Teenage siblings discover a threat within their home, setting off a chain of events that unravel a profound mystery. As they delve into the unknown, the duo find themselves entangled in the story of five teenagers who mysteriously vanished in 1994. Startattle.com – Goosebumps | Hulu.
Network: Hulu / Disney+
Release date: January 10, 2025 at 3:01am EST
– David Schwimmer as Anthony
– Ana Ortiz as Jen
– Sam McCarthy as Devin
– Jayden Bartels as Cece
– Elijah M. Cooper as CJ
– Galilea La Salvia as Frankie
– Francesca Noel as Alex
– Arjun Athalye as Sameer
– Eloise Payet as Hannah
– Christopher Paul Richards as Matty
– Kyra Tantao as Nicole
– Stony Blyden as Trey
– Sakina Jaffrey as Ramona
Goosebumps (Season 2) Hulu, David Schwimmer, Horror, trailer, release date.
Goosebumps Season 2 Hulu
Goosebumps is an American supernatural horror television series developed by Rob Letterman and Nicholas Stoller for Disney+ and Hulu. It is based on the book series by R. L. Stine. The series abandons the episodic anthology format of the 1995 original television series to focus on a serialized-anthology style of storytelling instead, changing storylines from season to season instead of episode to episode while still featuring some of the existing Goosebumps monsters and items episodically.
Season 2: Goosebumps: The Vanishing, the new chapter of the thrilling anthology series, begins when twins Devin and Cece Brewer are sent to spend a summer in Gravesend, Brooklyn, with their divorced dad. A threat is stirring, and they quickly realize that dark secrets are among them, triggering a chain of events that unravel a profound mystery. As they delve into the unknown, Devin, Cece and their friends – Alex, CJ and Frankie – find themselves entangled in the chilling tale of four teenagers who mysteriously vanished in 1994.
Goosebumps (Season 2) Hulu, David Schwimmer, Horror, trailer, release date | Hulu.
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