Set after the collapse of the Earth’s ecosystem, the film follows Vesper (Raffiella Chapman), a headstrong 13-year-old girl who uses her survival skills to subsist in the remnants of a dangerous world with her paralyzed father, Darius (Richard Brake). – Vesper Seeds movie.
When Vesper finds a mysterious woman, Camellia (Rosy McEwen), she agrees to help her find her missing companion in exchange for safe passage to the Citadel – the dark central hub where oligarchs live. Vesper soon discovers that her neighbor, Jonas (Eddie Marsan), is searching for Camellia, who is harboring a secret which could change all of their lives forever. Forced into a hazardous adventure, Vesper must rely on her wits and bio-hacking abilities to unlock the key to an alternate future.
- Starring : Raffiella Chapman / Eddie Marsan
- Genre : Adventure / Drama / Sci-Fi
- Country : Lithuania / France / Belgium
- Language : English
- Director : Kristina Buozyte / Bruno Samper
- Production : Rumble Fish Productions / Natrix Natrix / 10.80 Films / Ev.L Prod
- Distributor : Chantier Films / Condor / Filmfinity / Leone Film Group / Movie Cloud / Plaion Pictures / Pris Audiovisuais / Shaw Organisation / Shaw Renters / Signature Entertainment / T&B Media Global (Thailand) / The Klockworx / IFC Films
Vesper movie
Vesper release date
- July 3, 2022 : Switzerland (Neuchâtel International Fantastic Film Festival)
- August 17, 2022 : France
- September 30, 2022 : USA
- September 30, 2022 : USA (internet)
- October 6, 2022 : Germany
Vesper cast
- Raffiella Chapman as Vesper
- Eddie Marsan as Jonas
- Rosy McEwen as Camellia
- Richard Brake as Darius
- Melanie Gaydos as Jug
- Edmund Dehn as Elias
- Matvej Buravkov as Boz
- Marijus Demiskis as Oed
- Markas Eimontas as Mo
- Titas Rukas as Beck
- Markas Sagaitis as Fitz
Vesper Seeds movie
Vesper, formerly known as Vesper Seeds, is directed by Kristina Buozyte (Kolekcioniere, Park ’79, Vanishing Waves) and Bruno Samper. The screenplay is written by Buozyte, Samper, and Brian Clark. It is scheduled to be released by IFC Films on September 30, 2022 in select US theaters and on VOD.
This sci-fi drama is produced by Kristina Buozyte, Daiva Jovaisiene, Asta Liukaityte, and Alexis Perrin. The film had its world premiere at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival in Czechia on July 2, 2022. At the Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival 2022, Vesper won the Jury’s Choice Award for Feature Film. Vesper stars Raffiella Chapman in the title role, along with Eddie Marsan, Rosy McEwen, Richard Brake, and Melanie Gaydos.
Vesper (2022 movie) trailer, release date, Raffiella Chapman, Eddie Marsan. Vesper movie 2022 trailer, release date, cast Raffiella Chapman, Eddie Marsan | Vesper Seeds movie | Adventure, Drama, Sci-Fi, Post-Apocalyptic.
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