Hit-Monkey (aka Marvel’s Hit-Monkey) is a darkly comedic series that follows a Japanese snow macaque whose clan meets injured hitman, Bryce (Jason Sudeikis), and nurses him back to health. But when Bryce bites the dust, it’s up to the titular simian (guided by Bryce’s ghost) to follow in his assassin footsteps and seek vengeance. Startattle.com – Hit-Monkey | Hulu.
Marvel’s Hit-Monkey is an American adult animated streaming television series created by Will Speck and Josh Gordon for the streaming service Hulu, based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name.
Network: Hulu
Release date: November 17, 2021
– Fred Tatasciore as Hit-Monkey
– Jason Sudeikis as Bryce
– George Takei as Shinji Yokohama
– Olivia Munn as Akiko
– Ally Maki as Haruka
– Nobi Nakanishi as Ito
Hit-Monkey (Season 1) Hulu, Olivia Munn, Jason Sudeikis, Comedy, Animation, trailer, release date.
Hit-Monkey Hulu
Marvel’s Hit-Monkey is developed, executive produced, and written by filmmakers Josh Gordon and Will Speck. The series is produced by Marvel Television, with Gordon and Speck serving as showrunners. It is based on a Marvel digital comic character created by writer Daniel Way and artist Dalibor Talajić in 2010. Hit-Monkey will be streaming on Hulu on November 17, 2021.
Fred Tatasciore stars as Hit-Monkey. Jason Sudeikis, George Takei, Olivia Munn, Ally Maki, and Nobi Nakanishi also star.
Hit-Monkey (Season 1) Hulu, Olivia Munn, Jason Sudeikis, Comedy, Animation, trailer, release date, Sci-Fi, Superhero, Marvel | Hulu.
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