The Feast follows a mysterious young woman who arrives to be the waitress for a wealthy family and their privileged guests at a dinner party in a remote house in rural Wales. The family’s beliefs and values are challenged as her quiet yet unnerving presence begins to change their lives.
This Welsh fantasy horror film is directed by Lee Haven Jones, in his first narratve feature. The screenplay is written by Roger Williams. The Feast stars Annes Elwy, Nia Roberts, and Julian Lewis Jones. – The Feast 2021.
- Starring : Annes Elwy / Nia Roberts
- Genre : Horror
- Country : United Kingdom
- Language : Welsh (with English subtitles)
- Director : Lee Haven Jones
- Production : British Film Institute (BFI) / Ffilm Cymru Wales / Great Point Media / Joio
- Distributor : IFC Midnight
The Feast movie
The Feast release date
- March 17, 2021 : USA (South by Southwest Film Festival)
- July 5, 2021 : Switzerland (Neuchâtel International Fantastic Film Festival)
- August 16, 2021 : Canada (Fantasia International Film Festival)
- August 19, 2021 : USA (Phoenix Film Festival)
- August 28, 2021 : USA (Sidewalk Film Festival)
- October 4, 2021 : USA (Beyond Fest)
- October 7, 2021 : UK (BFI London Film Festival)
- October 17, 2021 : Germany (Fantasy Filmfest)
- November 19, 2021 : USA
The Feast cast
- Annes Elwy as Cadi
- Nia Roberts as Glenda
- Julian Lewis Jones as Gwyn
- Steffan Cennydd as Guto
- Sion Alun Davies as Gweirydd
- Rhodri Meilir as Euros
- Lisa Palfrey as Mair
- Chris Gordon as Gweithiwr
- Caroline Berry as Delyth
The Feast 2021
The Feast is produced by Roger Williams, who also serve as executive producer alongside Gwenllian Gravelle, Lee Haven Jones, and Paul Higgins. It premiered at the Official Selection of South by Southwest on March 17, 2021 and screened at the Fantasia International Film Festival on August 16, 2021. The Feast is scheduled to be released in select US theaters and on VOD on November 19, 2021, by IFC Midnight.
This horror film has already won several awards including the Bucheon Choice Award for Best Director at the Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival; MOTELx Award for Best European Feature Film Award; and International Critic’s Award at the Neuchâtel International Fantastic Film Festival.
The Feast (2021 movie) trailer, release date, Annes Elwy, Nia Roberts. The Feast movie 2021 trailer, release date, cast Annes Elwy, Nia Roberts | Horror, Mystery.
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