The Drummer follows Mark Walker (Danny Glover), a Vietnam war veteran who has become a lawyer and political advocate for soldiers who have suffered mental health issues through their tenure with the Army. Walker works at The Drummer, a small, “anti-war” coffee shop, where soldiers he meets open up the issue of the mental struggles and physical toll that war takes on veterans. Set in 2008, the film presents three interwoven stories that reveal the traumatic effects of war on the psyches of veterans from different generations. – The Drummer 2021.
This indie drama film is directed by filmmaker Eric Werthman, director of the 2004 drama Going Under. The screenplay is by Jessica Gohlke and Eric Werthman. The Drummer stars Danny Glover, Sam Underwood, Prema Cruz, Daniel K. Isaac, and Camila Perez.
- Starring : Danny Glover / Sam Underwood
- Genre : Drama
- Country : United States
- Language : English
- Director : Eric Werthman
- Production : N and J Productions
- Distributor : 1091 Pictures
The Drummer movie
The Drummer release date
- October 1, 2020 : USA (Woodstock Film Festival)
- November 9, 2021 : USA (VOD)
The Drummer cast
- Danny Glover as Mark Walker
- Sam Underwood as Darien Cooper
- Prema Cruz as Cori
- Daniel K. Isaac as Mike
- Camila Perez as Maria
- Jennifer Mudge as Alison Layton
- Frankie J. Alvarez as Nate
- Lillias White as Roberta
- Martha Millan as Dee / Newscaster
- Evan Hall as Jake
- Nikola Balac as Christian
- Earl Baker Jr. as Dr. Mennard
- Graham Rowat as Captain Hall
- Jake Robinson as Tyler
- Chris Petrovski as Manuel
The Drummer 2021
The Drummer is produced by Nikolic and Eric Werthman. The film had its world premiere at the Woodstock Film Festival on October 1, 2020, where it was nominated for the Maverick Award for Best Narrative Feature.
This drama film is scheduled to be released by 1091 Pictures on VOD on November 9 2021, in honor of Veterans Day.
The Drummer (2021 movie) trailer, release date, Danny Glover, Sam Underwood. The Drummer movie 2021 trailer, release date, cast Danny Glover, Sam Underwood | Drama.
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