Minyan tells the story of David, a 17-year-old Russian Jewish immigrant living in Brighton Beach on the outskirts of Brooklyn, New York in the 1980s. Caught up in the tight constraints of his community, David develops a close friendship with his grandfather’s new neighbors, two elderly closeted gay men who open his imagination to the possibilities of love and the realities of loss. He then explores East Village, where he finds a world teeming with the energy of youth, desire, and risk. Startattle.com – Minyan 2021.
This powerful American LGBT-related drama of rebellion and self-discovery, s–ual and spiritual awakening and survival, is the feature directorial debut of producer and filmmaker Eric Steel. Its screenplay is written by Daniel Pearle and Eric Steel, based on a short story of the same name by David Bezmozgis. Minyan stars Samuel H. Levine, Ron Rifkin, Christopher McCann, Mark Margolis, Brooke Bloom, Alex Hurt, and Chris Perfetti.
- Starring : Samuel H. Levine / Ron Rifkin
- Genre : Drama
- Country : United States
- Language : English / Hebrew / Yiddish / Russian
- Director : Eric Steel
- Production : AgX
- Distributor : Arti Film / Salzgeber & Company Medien / Strand Releasing
Minyan movie
Minyan release date
- February 22, 2020 : Germany (Berlin International Film Festival)
- August 28, 2020 : USA (Outfest Film Festival)
- September 17, 2020 : USA (Frameline)
- January 19, 2021 : USA (virtual cinema) (New York Jewish Film Festival)
- February 1, 2021 : Germany (internet)
- October 22, 2021 : USA (limited)
Minyan cast
- Samuel H. Levine as David
- Ron Rifkin as Josef
- Christopher McCann as Herschel
- Mark Margolis as Itzik
- Brooke Bloom as Rachel
- Alex Hurt as Bruno
- Chris Perfetti as Eric
- Zane Pais as Nathan
- Carson Meyer as Alicia
- Elizabeth Loyacano as Mrs. Namovsky
- Lawrence Jansen as Itzik’s Son
- Mark Bruk as Rabbi
- Richard Topol as Zalman
- Zuzanna Szadkowski as Rivka
- Eleanor Reissa as Mrs. Greenberg
Minyan 2021
Minyan is produced by Luca Borghese, Luigi Caiola, Ben Howe, and Eric Steel. This coming-of-age drama had its world premiere at the 2020 Berlin International Film Festival on February 22, 2020. It went on to play at the 2020 Los Angeles Outfest on August 28, 2020, where it won the Grand Jury Award for Outstanding U.S. Narrative Feature. Minyan is scheduled for release in select US theaters on October 22, 2021, by Strand Releasing.
Actor Samuel H. Levine portrays David. Levine is known for his roles in the films “Indignation” and “Yinz” and for the television series Big Dogs.
Minyan (2021 movie) trailer, release date, Samuel H. Levine, Ron Rifkin. Minyan movie 2021 trailer, release date, cast Samuel H. Levine, Ron Rifkin | Drama, LGBT.
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