Stop and Go (formerly known as Recovery) follows Blake and Jamie (Mallory Everton and Whitney Call), two directionless sisters who brave a cross-country road trip to rescue their grandmother and her beloved dog, from a COVID outbreak at her nursing home. They race against time while contending with a deranged dog breeder, a highly inappropriate 9 year old, and a clueless Romeo, all in the name of family. – Stop and Go movie.
This pandemic road trip comedy is the feature directorial debut of actors and filmmakers Mallory Everton and Stephen Meek, who both worked on the “Studio C” TV series. The screenplay is written by Whitney Call and Mallory Everton, who also starred in the film.
- Starring : Whitney Call / Mallory Everton
- Genre : Comedy
- Country : USA
- Language : English
- Director : Mallory Everton / Stephen Meek
- Production : Buzzfeed Studios
- Distributor : Decal Releasing
Stop and Go movie
Stop and Go release date
- October 1, 2021 : USA
Stop and Go cast
- Whitney Call as Jamie
- Mallory Everton as Blake
- Julia Jolley as Erin
- Anne Sward Hansen as Nana
- Stephen Meek as Evan / GORB
- Jessica Droletas Mrs. Harper
- Baylee Thornock as Jacob Harper
- Noah Kershisnik as Scott
- Dora McDonald as Dora
- Tyler Andrew Jones as Nurse Ackerman
- Tori Pence as Nurse Malea
- Marvin Payne as Fred
- Jetta Juriansz as Sarah
Recovery movie
Stop and Go is produced by Abi Nielson Hunsaker, Babetta Kelly, Dan Katt, Scott Christopherson, and Stephen Meek. This film had its world premiere at the SXSW Film Festival on March 18, 2021. It is scheduled to be released by Decal Releasing in select US theaters and On Demand on October 1, 2021.
Stop and Go (2021 movie) trailer, release date, Whitney Call, Mallory Everton. Stop and Go movie 2021 trailer, release date, cast Whitney Call, Mallory Everton | Recovery movie | Comedy.
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