Driving in the heart of the Highlands, Edmond Murray (James McAvoy) receives a call from his ex-wife (Claire Foy), in tears. Their 7-year-old son went missing from a campsite. Soon it becomes clear that the child was kidnapped and the parents give way to despair. Startattle.com – The Hearts of the Down Under and the My Son movie.
- Starring : James McAvoy / Claire Foy
- Genre : Crime / Drama / Romance / Thriller
- Country : United Kingdom / France
- Language : English
- Director : Christian Carion
- Production : Une Hirondelle Productions / Wild Bunch / Wild Bunch Germany / MadRiver Pictures / Creative Scotland / Canal+ / Ciné Plus / STX Films / Sixteen Films
- Distributor : STX Films / The Searchers / Eagle Films
My Son movie
My Son release date
- September 2, 2021 : UK
- September 15, 2021 : USA (Peacock)
My Son cast
- James McAvoy as Edmond Murray
- Claire Foy as Joan Richmond
- Jamie Michie as Hunter
- Robert Jack as Alan
- Owen Whitelaw as Fergus
- Paul Rattray as Steven
- Michael Moreland as William O’Connor
- Mark Barrett as Officer Birch
- Andrew John Tait as Roadblock Cop
- Max Wilson as Ethan Murray
- Paul Stirrat as Junior Police Officer
- Rosalind Sydney as Camp Manager
- Toni Frutin as Leah (voice)
The Hearts of the Down Under and the My Son movie
Driving in the heart of the Highlands, Edmond Murray (James McAvoy) receives a call from his ex-wife (Claire Foy), in tears. Their 7-year-old son went missing from a campsite. Soon it becomes clear that the child was kidnapped and the parents give way to despair.
My Son (2021 movie) Peacock, trailer, release date, James McAvoy, Claire Foy. My Son movie 2021 trailer, release date, cast James McAvoy, Claire Foy, Peacock | The Hearts of the Down Under and the My Son movie.
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