Finch, formerly known as BIOS, tells the story of an ailing robotics engineer named Finch (Tom Hanks), one of the few survivors of a cataclysmic solar event that has left the world a wasteland. Living in an underground bunker for a decade, Finch has built a world of his own that he shares with his dog, Goodyear. He creates a robot, who names himself Jeff, to watch over Goodyear when he no longer can. As the trio embarks on a dangerous cross-country journey into a desolate American West, Finch strives to show Jeff the joy and wonder of what it means to be alive. – BIOS movie.
This powerful and moving post-apocalyptic sci-fi adventure film is directed by filmmaker Miguel Sapochnik, the director of 2010 sci-fi thriller Repo Men and several TV shows including “Game of Thrones” and “House”. The screenplay is written by Craig Luck and Ivor Powell. Finch stars Tom Hanks, Caleb Landry Jones, Samira Wiley, Laura Harrier, and Skeet Ulrich.
- Starring : Tom Hanks
- Genre : Drama / Sci-Fi
- Country : United Kingdom / United States
- Language : English
- Director : Miguel Sapochnik
- Production : Amblin Partners / Dutch Angle / ImageMovers / Misher Films / Walden Media
- Distributor : Apple TV+
Finch movie
Finch release date
- November 5, 2021 : Canada (internet)
- November 5, 2021 : UK (internet)
- November 5, 2021 : Singapore (internet)
- November 5, 2021 : USA (internet)
Finch cast
- Tom Hanks as Finch
- Caleb Landry Jones as Jeff
- Samira Wiley as Weaver
- Laura Harrier as Linda as Linda
- Skeet Ulrich as Sam
- Lora Martinez-Cunningham as Mother (Flashback)
- Marie Wagenman as Daughter (Flashback)
- Christopher Farrar as Jimmy
- Oscar Avila as Truck Driver (Flashback)
BIOS movie
Finch is produced by Jacqueline Levine, Kevin Misher, Ivor Powell, Jack Rapke, and Robert Zemeckis. The film was originally scheduled for release US theaters by Universal Pictures on October 2, 2020. But it was delayed several times due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The film was then retitled Finch and sold to Apple TV+. It is finally scheduled to be released on November 5, 2021, via streaming on Apple TV +.
Finch (2021 movie) Apple TV+, trailer, release date, Tom Hanks. Finch movie 2021 trailer, release date, cast Tom Hanks, Apple TV+ | BIOS movie | Drama, Sci-Fi.
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