The Return follows Rodger Emmerlich (Richard Harmon), who returns home from college with two friends to settle the affairs of his recently deceased father. The group begins to experience weird and unsettling occurrences in the house. Rodger is soon plagued by strange childhood memories about a haunting by a ghostly presence. These memories spill over into reality, and lead to an intense showdown with the terror that has come back. – The Return 2021.
Formerly titled as Homecoming, The Return is directed by filmmaker BJ Verot, in his feature directorial debut, from a screenplay he co-wrote with Ken Janssens. The Return stars Richard Harmon, Sara Thompson, Echo Andersson, Marina Stephenson Kerr, Zoe Fish, Erik Athavale, and Gwendolyn Collins.
- Starring : Richard Harmon / Sara Thompson
- Genre : Horror / Sci-Fi
- Country : Canada
- Language : English
- Director : BJ Verot
- Production : Strata Studios
- Distributor : Uncork’d Entertainment
The Return movie
The Return release date
- September 5, 2020 : USA (Horrible Imaginings Film Festival)
- August 10, 2021 : USA
The Return cast
- Richard Harmon as Rodger Emmerlich
- Sara Thompson as Beth Struman
- Echo Andersson as Jordan Hasbury
- Marina Stephenson Kerr as Dr. Henrietta Cox
- Zoe Fish as Amelia Emmerlich
- Erik Athavale as Oswald Emmerlich
- Gwendolyn Collins as Esme Emmerlich
- Keaton Fish as Young Rodger Emmerlich
- Kristen Sawatzky as Entity
- Maclean Fish as Teen Rodger Emmerlich
- Callie Lane as Teen Jordan
- Adam Brooks as Max Shackleford
- Jaydee-Lynn McDougall as Tanya
- Jan Skene as Grace
The Return 2021
The Return is produced by BJ Verot. It premiered at the Horrible Imaginings Film Festival on September 5, 2020. The film won Best Feature at the H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival, and Best Actor (Richard Harmon) at the New York City Horror Film Festival. The Return is scheduled to be released on August 10 On Demand and Digital, by Uncork’d Entertainment.
The Return (2021 movie) trailer, release date, Richard Harmon, Sara Thompson. The Return movie 2021 trailer, release date, cast Richard Harmon, Sara Thompson | Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller.
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