In this biting animated satire, seven-year-old Prince George – youngest heir to the British throne – spills all the royal “tea” on Buckingham Palace’s residents and staff. – The Prince | HBO Max.
Network: HBO Max
Release date: July 29, 2021 at 3:01 AM EST
– Gary Janetti as Prince George
– Orlando Bloom as Prince Harry
– Sophie Turner as Princess Charlotte
– Condola Rashād as Meghan, Duchess of Sussex
– Lucy Punch as Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge
– Alan Cumming as Owen
– Frances de la Tour as Queen Elizabeth II
– Iwan Rheon as Prince William
– Dan Stevens as Prince Charles and Prince Philip
The Prince (Season 1) HBO Max, Orlando Bloom, Sophie Turner, Animation, trailer, release date.
The Prince HBO Max
The Prince is an American animated sitcom created by Gary Janetti for HBO Max. Its executive producers include Janetti, Joel Kuwahara, and Scott Greenberg. It was originally slated for a late spring 2021 date, then HBO Max announced on May 9, 2021, that the series would be delayed due to Prince Philip’s death in April 2021. The Prince premiered on July 29, 2021 on HBO Max, with 12 episodes for the season.
The series will focus on a young Prince George, who makes life difficult for his family and the British monarchy.
The Prince (Season 1) HBO Max, Orlando Bloom, Sophie Turner, Animation, trailer, release date, Sitcom | HBO Max.
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