Rising Wolf tells the story of a young woman named Aria Wolf (Charlotte Best), who wakes up trapped, kidnapped in an elevator of a super high rise building at the mercy of her tormentors. Without any form of escape, Aria is forced to adapt her thinking, her beliefs and her endurance to survive in a situation out of her control. This is the first of the journeys that assault her mind and her senses, pinning her down in anguish only to emerge connected to abilities that define who she truly is. Startattle.com – Ascendant movie.
This Australian thriller, originally known as Ascendant, is directed by Antaine Furlong, in his feature directorial debut from a screenplay he co-wrote with Kieron Holland. Rising Wolf stars Charlotte Best, Jonny Pasvolsky, Alex Menglet, Susan Prior, and Lily Stewart.
- Starring : Charlotte Best / Jonny Pasvolsky
- Genre : Fantasy / Mystery / Sci-Fi / Thriller
- Country : Australia
- Language : English
- Director : Antaine Furlong
- Production : Day Dream Films
- Distributor : Maslow Entertainment / Samuel Goldwyn Films
Rising Wolf movie
Rising Wolf release date
- April 8, 2021 : Australia
- August 6, 2021 : USA
Rising Wolf cast
- Charlotte Best as Aria Wolf
- Jonny Pasvolsky as Richard Wolf
- Alex Menglet as Yaroslav
- Susan Prior as Barbara Wolf
- Lily Stewart as Zara Wolf
- Andrew Jack as Doctor Thompson
- Karelina Clarke as Young Zara
- Elsa Cocquerel as Chrissy
- Tahlia Sturzaker as Young Aria
- Kelsey Skinner as Olivia
- Justin Cotta as Anton
- John Harding as Nikolay
- George Burgess as Sergey
- Leonard Sun as Security Guard
- Yoji Tatsuta as Construction Worker
Ascendant movie
Rising Wolf is produced by Drew Bailey, James M. Vernon, and Kristy Vernon. The film already opened in Australia in April, 2021. The film is set to be released by Samuel Goldwyn Films in select US theaters and on VOD on August 6, 2021.
Australian actress and model Charlotte Best plays the role of Aria Wolf. Best is known for her role as the young girl Annie Campbell in the show Home and Away.
Rising Wolf (2021 movie) trailer, release date, Charlotte Best, Jonny Pasvolsky. Rising Wolf movie 2021 trailer, release date, cast Charlotte Best, Jonny Pasvolsky | Ascendant movie | Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Mystery, Thriller.
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