Cousins follows three Māori cousins – Mata, Missy, and Makareta – who lead separate lives, yet are bound together forever. Orphaned Mata believes she has no whānau (family) and lives out her lonely childhood in fear and bewilderment. Back home in New Zealand, Makareta flees an arranged marriage to study law and begin the search for her missing cousin. She leaves behind Missy who takes on her role of kaitiaki (guardian) of the land. As years pass and land surveyors begin to encroach, their promise to bring their stolen cousin home seems more unlikely than ever, until a chance encounter changes everything. – Cousins 2021.
This powerful and deeply moving drama film is directed by filmmakers Ainsley Gardiner and Briar Grace Smith, the co-directors of another New Zealand drama titled Waru. The screenplay is written by Briar Grace Smith, based on the novel by Patricia Grace. The film stars Rachel House, Tanea Heke, Briar Grace Smith, Ana Scotney, Hariata Moriarty, and Tioreore Ngatai-Melbourne.
- Starring : Rachel House / Tanea Heke
- Genre : Drama
- Country : New Zealand
- Language : English / Maori
- Director : Ainsley Gardiner / Briar Grace Smith
- Production : Miss Conception Films / NZ On Air / New Zealand Film Commission / Whenua Films
- Distributor : ARRAY Releasing / Vendetta Films
Cousins movie
Cousins release date
- March 3, 2021 : New Zealand
- July 22, 2021 : USA (internet / Netflix)
Cousins cast
- Tanea Heke as Older Mata
- Rachel House as Missy
- Briar Grace Smith as Older Makareta
- Ana Scotney as Adult Mata
- Hariata Moriarty as Adult Missy
- Tioreore Ngatai-Melbourne as Adult Makareta
- Chelsie Preston Crayford as Adult Jean
- Cohen Holloway as Adult Bobby
- Miriama Smith as Keita
- Cian Elyse White as Adult Gloria
- Calvin Tuteao as Older Hamuera
- Kirk Torrance as Oldest Sonny
- Sylvia Rands as Mrs. Parkinson
- Niwa Whatuira as Adult Sonny
- Jim Moriarty as Maori Caregiver
Cousins 2021
Cousins is produced by Georgina Allison Conder, Ainsley Gardiner, and Libby Hakaraia. This film already opened in New Zealand on March 3, 2021. It is scheduled to start streaming on Netflix on July 22, 2021.
Cousins (2021 movie) Netflix, trailer, release date, Rachel House, Tanea Heke. Cousins movie 2021 trailer, release date, cast Rachel House, Tanea Heke, Netflix | Drama.
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