One year after their father’s death, Charlie (Adam Halferty) endlessly repairs the old family house while his sister, Betty (Jessie Rabideau), decides to sell their father’s car without her brother’s consent – the same car their father committed suicide in. As the two avoid confronting their prolonged grief, mental health, and each other, a hunchbacked creature shadows their every move. Their estranged Uncle Pete (James Russo), believed to be dead, claims to have answers – if only Charlie and Betty would get out of their own heads and accept help. – Woe 2021.
Woe is an indie horror film written and directed by American filmmaker Matthew Goodhue, in his feature directorial debut. The film stars Adam Halferty, Jessie Rabideau, Ryan Kattner, and James Russo.
- Starring : Adam Halferty / Jessie Rabideau
- Genre : Horror / Mystery / Thriller
- Country : United States
- Language : English
- Director : Matthew Goodhue
- Production : Decipher Entertainment / Mr. Griever Films / Research Films
- Distributor : Gravitas Ventures / Kamikaze Dogfight
Woe movie
Woe release date
- September 24, 2020 : USA (internet) (Massachusetts Independent Film Festival)
- June 15, 2021 : USA (original release date)
Woe cast
- Adam Halferty as Charlie Dennistoun
- Jessie Rabideau as Betty Dennistoun
- Ryan Kattner as Benjamin Hennessey
- James Russo as Uncle Pete
- Jerilyn Armstrong as Cindy
- Russell Becker as Thomas
- DeVaughn LaBon as Russ
- Flora Rubenhold as Bridget
- Jason Tippet as Nick
Woe 2021
Woe is produced by Lanie Albin, Ryan Gibson, Marco Rodriguez, and Ryan P. Shrime. This film premiered at the Massachusetts Independent Film Festival on September 24, 2020, where it won the Festival Prize for Best Cinematography and Audience Award Best Feature Film.
Gravitas Ventures and Kamikaze Dogfight will release Woe on Video on demand (VOD) and DVD on June 15, 2021.
Woe (2021 movie) trailer, release date, Adam Halferty, Jessie Rabideau. Woe movie 2021 trailer, release date, cast Adam Halferty, Jessie Rabideau | Horror.
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