Gaia follows a park ranger named Gabi (Monique Rockman), who goes on a surveillance mission in a primordial forest and encounters two survivalists following a post-apocalyptic lifestyle. The boy and his philosophical father seem to have their own religion, and a mysterious relationship to nature. There are many suspicious aspects to their existence, but when the cabin is attacked by strange, post-human beings one night, she learns that there is a greater threat in this emergent wilderness. – Gaia 2021.
This ecological horror fantasy is directed by Jaco Bouwer (Balbesit: ‘n Studie in Stemme, Somerkersfees, Rage) from a screenplay written by Tertius Kapp.
- Starring : Monique Rockman / Carel Nel
- Genre : Drama / Fantasy / Horror
- Country : South Africa
- Language : English / Afrikaans
- Director : Jaco Bouwer
- Production : Film Initiative Africa
- Distributor : Bleecker Street Media / DECAL / M-Net / Neon
Gaia movie
Gaia release date
- March 16, 2021 : USA (South by Southwest Film Festival)
- June 18, 2021 : USA
- June 25, 2021 : USA (internet)
Gaia cast
- Monique Rockman as Gabi
- Carel Nel as Barend
- Alex van Dyk as Stefan
- Anthony Oseyemi as Winston
Gaia 2021
Gaia is produced by Jaco Bouwer, Tertius Kapp, and Jorrie van der Walt. The film premiered at the SXSW Film Festival on March 16, 2021, where it won the Best Cinematography award. The film is scheduled to be released in select US theaters on June 18, 2021 and later on VOD on June 25, 2021.
Gaia (2021 movie) trailer, release date, Monique Rockman, Carel Nel. Gaia movie 2021 trailer, release date, cast Monique Rockman, Carel Nel | Horror, Fantasy.
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