Wildcat follows Khadija Young (Georgina Campbell), an ambitious reporter stationed in the Middle East who is taken captive after a militant group ambushes her convoy. Convinced that the young woman is hiding her true identity, her captors will stop at nothing to extract information crucial to the success of their upcoming terrorist attack. With time running out, Khadjia must find a way to survive and then turn the tables on her dangerous assailants. Startattle.com – Wildcat 2021.
This drama film is written and directed by American writer and filmmaker Jonathan W. Stokes (The Last Hurrah, Air). Wildcat stars Georgina Campbell, Luke Benward, Ibrahim Renno, and Mido Hamada.
- Starring : Georgina Campbell / Luke Benward
- Genre : Drama
- Country : United States
- Language : English
- Director : Jonathan W. Stokes
- Production : Divide/Conquer / Soapbox Films
- Distributor : Saban Films
Wildcat movie
Wildcat release date
- April 23, 2021 : USA (Theatrical)
- April 27, 2021 : USA (internet)
Wildcat cast
- Georgina Campbell as Khadija Young
- Luke Benward as Luke
- Ibrahim Renno as Jalal
- Mido Hamada as Abu Khalid
- Ali Olomi as Saif
- Maz Siam as Hamza
- Faruk Amireh as Amir
- Matt Blundell as Case Officer
- Janna Bossier as DI Receptionist
- Aaron Cavette as Delta Force Operator
- Chido Nwokocha as Medic
Wildcat 2021
Wildcat is produced by Christopher Alender and Narineh Hacopian. The film will be released by Saban Films in select US theaters on April 23, 2021, then on VOD on April 27, 2021.
English actress Georgina Campbell plays the role of Khadija Young. Campbell won the 2015 BAFTA TV Award for Best Actress for her role in Murdered by My Boyfriend. Her other television credits include Freak, Sadie J, After Hours, Flowers, Broadchurch, Krypton, Cake, and The Pale Horse. She played the role of Kay in the feature film King Arthur: Legend of the Sword.
Wildcat (2021 movie) trailer, release date, Georgina Campbell, Luke Benward. Wildcat movie 2021 trailer, release date, cast Georgina Campbell, Luke Benward | Drama.
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