The Resort follows Lex (Bianca Haase), and her three friends who head to Hawaii to investigate reports of a haunting at an abandoned resort in hopes of finding the infamous ghost known as Half-Faced Girl. When they arrive on the island, they soon learn you should be careful what you wish for. – The Resort 2021.
This horror film is written and directed by filmmaker Taylor Chien, his second feature film after the 2011 crime-mystery film Cornered. The film stars Bianca Haase, Michelle Randolph, Michael Vlamis, and Brock O’Hurn.
- Starring : Bianca Haase / Michelle Randolph
- Genre : Horror
- Country : United States
- Language : English
- Director : Taylor Chien
- Production : Double Down Pictures
- Distributor : Vertical Entertainment
The Resort movie
The Resort release date
- April 30, 2021 : USA (limited)
The Resort cast
- Bianca Haase as Lex
- Michelle Randolph as Bree
- Brock O’Hurn as Chris
- Michael Vlamis as Sam
- Joaquin Veizaga as Preston
- Avery Pascual as Sarah
The Resort 2021
Lex is a writer obsessed with the paranormal. For her birthday, her three closest friends surprise her with a trip to an abandoned resort in Hawaii. The resort is the supposed haunt of an infamous ghost, The Half-Faced Girl, and Lex is determined to find her. When they arrive on the island, they find a massive and eerily empty resort. Just as Lex thinks this was just an urban legend, her friends start to disappear one by one, leaving her at the mercy of the evil spirit.
The Resort is produced by Taylor Chien, Will Meldman, and Sam Mobley. The film will be released by Vertical Entertainment in select US theaters and on VOD on April 30, 2021.
The Resort (2021 movie) trailer, release date, Bianca Haase, Michelle Randolph. The Resort movie 2021 trailer, release date, cast Bianca Haase, Michelle Randolph | Horror.
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