Silo follows a harrowing day in an American farm town when teenager Cody Rose is entrapped in a 50-foot-tall grain bin. When the corn turns to quicksand, family, neighbors and first responders must put aside their differences to rescue Cody from drowning in the crop that has sustained their community for generations. – Silo 2021.
This drama thriller inspired by true events is directed by filmmaker Marshall Burnette, in his feature directorial debut. Its screenplay is written by Jason Williamson from a story by Marshall Burnette. The film stars Jim Parrack, Jill Paice, Jack DiFalco, Jeremy Holm, Danny Ramirez, and Chris Ellis.
- Starring : Jim Parrack / Jill Paice
- Genre : Drama / Thriller
- Language : English
- Director : Marshall Burnette
- Production : Blood Orange Pictures
- Distributor : Oscilloscope
Silo movie
Silo release date
- October 12, 2019 : USA (Louisville’s International Festival of Film)
- May 7, 2021 : USA
Silo cast
- Jim Parrack as Junior
- Jill Paice as Valerie
- Jack DiFalco as Cody
- Jeremy Holm as Frank
- Danny Ramirez as Lucha
- Chris Ellis as Mr. Adler
- James DeForest Parker as Sutter
- Daniel R. Hill as Bill
- Reegus Flenory as Welch
- Rebecca Lines as Sheriff Jessica Baxter
- Erik Moth as Berges
- Mike Seely as Merrick
- Emmalee Parker as Georgia
- Anthony Pineda as Lucha’s Brother
- Tiffany Smith as Sheryl
Silo 2021
Silo originally premiered on October 12, 2019 at Louisville’s International Festival of Film. The film is scheduled to be released by Oscilloscope Labs in select US theaters and virtual cinemas nationwide on May 7, 2021.
Silo (2021 movie) trailer, release date, Jim Parrack, Jill Paice. Silo movie 2021 trailer, release date, cast Jim Parrack, Jill Paice | Drama, Thriller.
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