Night Walk, also known as “Imprisoned”, tells the story of Frank, an American who visits the Middle East with his girlfriend Sarah (Sarah Alami). But when Sarah is killed in a police incident, Frank is framed for her murder and sent to a prison in the US. After uncovering the conspiracy that led to Frank’s sentence, his friend dies mysteriously. To seek justice, Frank plans to escape from prison – but must partner with a dangerous gang to do so. – Night Walk 2021.
This gritty action thriller about one man’s quest for justice is written and directed by Aziz Tazi, the director of the drama film Imago. Night Walk stars Sean Stone, Mickey Rourke, Eric Roberts, Sarah Alami, and Louis Mandylor.
- Starring : Sean Stone / Mickey Rourke
- Genre : Action / Crime
- Country : United States
- Language : English
- Director : Aziz Tazi
- Production : Lena River productions / Alexander Media / Ole Entertainment
- Distributor : Grindstone Entertainment Group / High Fliers Films / Lionsgate Home Entertainment / Paradise Group
Night Walk movie
Night Walk release date
- June 15, 2021 : USA
Night Walk cast
- Sean Stone as Frank
- Mickey Rourke as Gary
- Eric Roberts as Jude
- Sarah Alami as Sarah
- Louis Mandylor as Prison Warden
- La Fouine as Ayman
- Richard Tyson as John
- Patrick Kilpatrick as Louis
- Ricco Ross as Saud
- Tom Lister Jr. as Kareem
- Aziz Tazi as Malik
- Jon-Paul Gates as SWAT Team Member
- Andrea Chiaramonte as Inmate
- Mara New as Jane Walter
Night Walk 2021
Night Walk is produced by Tatyana Bulgakova, Alex Cooray, Ivana Nguyen, Mostapha Mellouk, and Aziz Tazi. This film premiered at the Moscow Film Festival on April 22, 2019. It won Best Screenplay and Best Actor (Mickey Rourke) at the 2019 Prague Independent Film Festival.
The film will be released by Lionsgate on VOD on June 15, 2021.
Night Walk (2021 movie) trailer, release date, Sean Stone, Mickey Rourke, Eric Roberts. Night Walk movie 2021 trailer, release date, cast Sean Stone, Mickey Rourke, Eric Roberts | Action, Crime.
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