Flashback, previously titled The Education of Fredrick Fitzell, tells the story of Fred (Dylan O’Brien), whose chance encounter with a man from his youth leads to frightening memories. Little by little, Fred unravels a mystery that has been hidden for years about a missing girl, a drug called Mercury, and a terrifying creature who has accompanied him every step of the way. Startattle.com – Flashback movie.
This mystery thriller film is written and directed by Christopher MacBride, his second feature after directing the 2012 horror thriller film The Conspiracy. Flashback stars Dylan O’Brien and Maika Monroe.
- Starring : Dylan O’Brien / Maika Monroe
- Genre : Drama / Thriller
- Country : Canada
- Language : English
- Director : Christopher MacBride
- Production : Resolute Films and Entertainment / Trinity Media Financing
- Distributor : Entertainment One / Front Row Filmed Entertainment / Lionsgate Home Entertainment / Originals Factory / Pancinema
Flashback movie
Flashback release date
- October 8, 2020 : Spain (Sitges Film Festival Online)
- October 15, 2020 : Spain (Sitges Film Festival)
- June 4, 2021 : Canada
- June 4, 2021 : Canada (internet)
- June 4, 2021 : UK (internet)
- June 4, 2021 : USA
Flashback cast
- Dylan O’Brien as Fredrick Fitzell
- Maika Monroe as Cindy
- Hannah Gross as Karen
- Keir Gilchrist as Andre
- Amanda Brugel as Evelyn
- Emory Cohen as Sebastian
- Sima Fisher as Dancer
- Aaron Poole as Pierced Man
- Josh Cruddas as Twenty Something
- Liisa Repo-Martell as Mrs. Fitzell
- Ian Matthews as Vincent
- Maika Harper as Tattooed Woman
- Donald Burda as Dr. Phillips
- Landon Norris as Scarred Man (voice)
- Jackie English as Violet
The Education of Fredrick Fitzell movie
Flashback is produced by Lee Kim. The film premiered at the Sitges Film Festival in October 2020, where it received a nomination for Best Motion Picture.
On April 13, 2021, it was announced that Flashback would be released in select theaters and on video-on-demand services on June 4, 2021, with a DVD and Blu-ray release to follow on June 8, 2021.
Flashback (2021 movie) trailer, release date, Dylan O’Brien, Maika Monroe. Flashback movie 2021 trailer, release date, cast Dylan O’Brien, Maika Monroe | The Education of Fredrick Fitzell movie | Drama, Thriller.
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