Vanquish, formerly titled The Longest Night, follows Victoria (Ruby Rose), a mother who is trying to put her dark past as a Russian drug courier behind her. But retired police commissioner Damon (Morgan Freeman) soon forces Victoria to do his bidding by holding her daughter hostage. Victoria is left with no choice but to use guns, guts, and a motorcycle to take out a series of violent gangsters – or she may never see her child again. – The Longest Night movie.
This American action crime thriller film is directed by filmmaker George Gallo (29th Street, Trapped in Paradise, Double Take, Local Color, My Mom’s New Boyfriend, Middle Men, Columbus Circle, Bigger, The Poison Rose, The Comeback Trail). The script is written by George Gallo and Samuel Bartlett, from a story by Samuel Bartlett. Starring Morgan Freeman, Ruby Rose, Patrick Muldoon, Julie Lott, Nick Vallelonga, and Miles Doleac.
- Starring : Ruby Rose / Morgan Freeman
- Genre : Action / Crime / Thriller
- Country : United States
- Language : English
- Director : George Gallo
- Production : March On Productions
- Distributor : Lionsgate / Signature Entertainment
Vanquish movie
Vanquish release date
- April 20, 2021 : USA (Digital and On Demand)
Vanquish cast
- Morgan Freeman as Damon
- Ruby Rose as Victoria
- Patrick Muldoon as Agent Monroe
- Julie Lott as Governor Ann Driscoll
- Nick Vallelonga as Detective Stevens
- Miles Doleac as Erik
- Juju Journey Brener as Lily
- Ekaterina Baker as Galyna
- Joel Michaely as Rayo
- Chris Mullinax as Detective Kehoe
- Ele Bardha as Max
- Paul Sampson as B.J.
- Dylan Flashner as Detective Childs
- Bill Luckett as Father Thomas
- Richard Salvatore as Stunt driver, Sniper
Vanquish movie
Vanquish is produced by Richard Salvatore, David E. Ornston and Nate Adams. The film will be released by Lionsgate on Digital and VOD on April 20, 2021.
Principal photography for the film occurred in September 2020 in Biloxi, Mississippi.
Vanquish (2021 movie) trailer, release date, Ruby Rose, Morgan Freeman. Vanquish movie 2021 trailer, release date, cast Ruby Rose, Morgan Freeman | The Longest Night movie | Action, Crime, Thriller.
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