Gripped by a violent, terrifying illness, Rose (Sophie Rundle) lives in seclusion with her husband (Matt Stokoe), but the arrival of a stranger shatters the fragile refuge they have built. – Rose 2021.
Rose, aka Rose: A Love Story, is the feature directorial debut of filmmaker Jennifer Sheridan. The screenplay is written by Matt Stokoe, who also stars opposite his real-life partner Sophie Rundle, who plays the title role.
- Starring : Sophie Rundle / Matt Stokoe
- Genre : Horror
- Country : United Kingdom
- Language : English
- Director : Jennifer Sheridan
- Production : Bone Garden Films / Great Point Media / Mini Productions / The Development Partnership
Rose movie
Rose release date
- October 13, 2020 : UK (London Film Festival)
- December 11, 2020 : UK (Grimmfest International Festival of Fantastic Film)
- April 5, 2021 : UK (select theaters and Digital Platforms)
Rose cast
- Sophie Rundle as Rose
- Matt Stokoe as Sam
- Nathan McMullen as Driver
- Olive Gray as Amber
- Boadicea Ricketts as Shop Assistant
Rose 2021
Sophie Rundle stars as the eponymous Rose, who lives in seclusion with her husband Sam (Stokoe). Devoted to each other, the couple have to live with the violent, terrifying illness that plagues Rose’s life. But the fragile refuge they have built away from society threatens to be shattered when they unwillingly take in an uninvited guest, an event that could unleash the true horror of Rose’s condition.
This critically-acclaimed horror thriller is produced by April Kelley, Sophie Rundle, Matt Stokoe, and Robert Taylor. Rose premiered at the London Film Festival on October 13, 2020. The film was nominated for The Discovery Award at the British Independent Film Awards 2021. It is scheduled to be released in select theaters in the UK and on digital platforms on April 5, 2021.
Rose movie 2021 trailer, release date, cast Sophie Rundle, Matt Stokoe | Rose: A Love Story movie | Horror.
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