Golden Arm is a comedy film that tells the story of a wimpy baker named Melanie (Mary Holland), who gets roped into the world of ladies arm wrestling by her truck driving best friend Danny (Betsy Sodaro). Melanie is trained by Danny to compete in the National Ladies Arm Wrestling Championship. – Golden Arm 2021.
This female buddy comedy film is directed by American filmmaker Maureen Bharoocha, in her feature directorial debut. The screenplay is written by Ann Marie Allison and Jenna Milly. Starring Mary Holland, Betsy Sodaro, Olivia Stambouliah, Dot-Marie Jones, and Eugene Cordero.
- Starring : Mary Holland / Betsy Sodaro
- Genre : Comedy
- Country : United States
- Language : English
- Director : Maureen Bharoocha
- Production : Golden Arm / No. 8 Films / The Ranch Productions
- Distributor : Utopia
Golden Arm movie
Golden Arm release date
- October 15, 2020 : USA (virtual cinema) (Milwaukee Film Festival)
- October 24, 2020 : USA (Austin Film Festival)
- April 30, 2021 : USA
Golden Arm cast
- Mary Holland as Melanie
- Betsy Sodaro as Danny
- Olivia Stambouliah as Brenda
- Dot-Marie Jones as Big Sexy
- Eugene Cordero as Greg
- Dawn Luebbe as Tessie
- Ron Funches as Carl
- Kate Flannery as Randy
- Ahmed Bharoocha as Jerry
- Aparna Nancherla as Coco Cherie
- Veronique Parker as Rambea
- Ashley Mandanas as Momo
- Lauren Knutti as Kristen
- Dana Weddle as Gloria
- Sue Ellen Reiman as Sue Ellen
Golden Arm 2021
Golden Arm is produced by Geeta Bajaj. This film premiered at the Milwaukee Film Festival on October 15, 2020. Golden Arm is set to be released in select US theaters and on VOD on April 30, 2021.
Golden Arm (2021 movie) trailer, release date, Mary Holland, Betsy Sodaro. Golden Arm movie 2021 trailer, release date, cast Mary Holland, Betsy Sodaro | Comedy.
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