The unconventional drama takes place over three summers in the 90s when a beautiful and popular teen goes missing, and a seemingly unrelated girl transforms from a sweet and awkward outlier to the most popular girl in town, eventually becoming the most despised person in America. Each episode is told from alternating POVs. – Cruel Summer | Freeform.
Network: Freeform
Episode title: “Pilot”
Release date: 2021
Cast: Allius Barnes, Blake Lee, Brooklyn Sudano, Chiara Aurelia, Froy Gutierrez, Harley Quinn Smith, Michael Landes, Nathaniel Ashton, Olivia Holt, Sarah Drew
Cruel Summer (Season 1 Episode 1) “Pilot”, trailer, release date.
Cruel Summer Season 1
From executive producers Bert V. Royal and Jessica Biel, Freeform’s highly anticipated psychological thriller “Cruel Summer” will now debut in 2021. Olivia Holt (“Marvel’s Cloak & Dagger”) returns to the network to co-star in the series. The unconventional drama takes place over three summers in the 90s when a beautiful and popular teen goes missing, and a seemingly unrelated girl transforms from a sweet and awkward outlier to the most popular girl in town, eventually becoming the most despised person in America. Each episode is told from alternating POVs. The series stars Olivia Holt, Chiara Aurelia, Michael Landes, Froy Gutierrez, Harley Quinn Smith, Allius Barnes, Blake Lee and Brooklyn Sudano. “Cruel Summer” comes from eOne and executive producers Bert V. Royal, with Iron Ocean Productions’ Jessica Biel and Michelle Purple. Max Winkler directs and executive produces the pilot.
Cruel Summer (Season 1 Episode 1) “Pilot”, trailer, release date | Freeform.
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