Son is an upcoming Irish horror thriller film written and directed by Ivan Kavanagh (Tin Can Man, The Solution, Our Wonderful Home, The Fading Light, The Canal, Never Grow Old). It tells the story of a mother named Laura (Andi Matichak), who must decide how far she will go to protect her son from terrifying forces in her past when he falls ill to a mysterious illness. – Son 2021.
- Starring : Andi Matichak / Emile Hirsch
- Genre : Horror / Thriller
- Country : Ireland
- Language : English
- Director : Ivan Kavanagh
- Production : Belladonna Productions / Elastic Film / Park Films
- Distributor : RLJE Films / Shudder
Son movie
Son release date
- March 5, 2021 : USA (Select theaters and VOD)
Son cast
- Andi Matichak as Laura
- Emile Hirsch as Paul
- Luke David Blumm as David
- Erin Bradley Dangar as Susan
- Rocco Sisto as Doctor Bradlee
- Wanetah Walmsley as ICU Nurse
- Cranston Johnson as Steve
- Ethan McDowell as Doctor Lundberg
- David Kallaway as Pimp
- Garrett Kruithof as Deutsch
- Kristine Nielsen as Mrs. Naegle
- Adam Stephenson as Steve Walker
- Matthew Sean Blumm as Paramedic
- Adam Henslee as Young Officer
- Blaine Maye as Jimmy Naegle
Son 2021
After a mysterious group of individuals breaks into Laura’s home and attempts to abduct her eight-year-old son, David, the two of them flee town in search of safety. Soon after the failed kidnapping, David becomes extremely ill, suffering from increasingly sporadic psychosis and convulsions. Following her maternal instincts to save him, Laura commits unspeakable acts to keep him alive. But soon she must decide how far she is willing to go to save her son.
This horror thriller film is produced by Rene Bastian, AnneMarie Naughton, and Louis Tisné. Son will be released in select US theaters and on VOD on March 5, 2021.
Son (2021 movie) trailer, release date, Andi Matichak, Emile Hirsch. Son movie 2021 trailer, release date, cast Andi Matichak, Emile Hirsch | Horror, Thriller.
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