Jupiter’s Legacy follows the story of “the world’s first superheroes, who received their powers in the 1930s. In the present day, they’re the revered elder guard, but their superpowered children struggle to live up to the legendary feats of their parents”. Startattle.com – Jupiter’s Legacy | Netflix.
Network: Netflix
Release date: May 7, 2021
Cast: Josh Duhamel, Ben Daniels, Leslie Bibb, Elena Kampouris, Andrew Horton, Mike Wade, Matt Lanter
Jupiter’s Legacy (Season 1) Netflix, trailer, release date.
Jupiter’s Legacy Netflix
Jupiter’s Legacy is an American superhero streaming television series created by Steven S. DeKnight, based on the comic book series by Mark Millar and Frank Quitely, that is set to premiere on Netflix on May 7, 2021. The series stars Josh Duhamel, Ben Daniels, Leslie Bibb, Elena Kampouris, Andrew Horton, Mike Wade and Matt Lanter.
Jupiter’s Legacy (Season 1) Netflix, trailer, release date | Netflix.
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