Heavy is an American crime thriller film that follows a couple living it up in the high-end drug scene of New York City. The film is directed by producer and filmmaker Jouri Smit, in his feature directorial debut, while the screenplay is written by Seth Miller. Starring Sophie Turner, Daniel Zovatto, Darrell Britt-Gibson, Matias Varela, Anastasia Marinina, and Al Sapienza. Startattle.com – Heavy 2021.
- Starring : Sophie Turner, Daniel Zovatto
- Genre : Drama
- Country : United States
- Language : English
- Director : Jouri Smit
- Production : FullDawa Films / JoBro Productions & Film Finance / Lost Lane Entertainment / NJNL Company / PaperChase Films
- Distributor : Electric Entertainment
Heavy movie
Heavy release date
- September 7, 2019 : France (Deauville Film Festival)
- February 9, 2021 : USA (internet)
Heavy cast
- Sophie Turner as Maddie
- Daniel Zovatto as Seven
- Darrell Britt-Gibson as Dave
- Matias Varela as Rodrigo
- Anastasia Marinina as Zhanna
- Al Sapienza as Captain Harris
- Alexander Eling as Tristan
- Andreas Apergis as Yuri
- Janine Theriault as Therapist
- K.C. Collins as Trey
- Jonathan Koensgen as Creese
- Anthony Grant as Ellis
- Steven Yaffee as Pierre
- Danijel Mandic as Pavel
- Michael Dyson as Ernie / Desk Attendant
Heavy 2021
Heavy tells the story of Seven (Daniel Zovatto), a high-end drug dealer, who has his game perfected. He has a blissful setup that he shares with Maddie, the yin to his yang and soulmate. Until a long lost childhood friend of Seven appears out of nowhere and asks for help with a sketchy deal. Against his better judgment, Seven accepts, unaware that it will set off an irreversible chain of events where no one is spared and everyone is to blame.
This film is produced by David Atrakchi, Jonathan Bronfman, Zachery Ty Bryan, Gaël Cabouat, Dillon D. Jordan, Boris Mendza, Jouri Smit, and Jay Van Hoy. Heavy premiered at the Deauville Film Festival on September 7, 2019. It is set to be released by Electric Entertainment on VOD in the US starting February 9, 2021
Heavy (2021 movie) trailer, release date, Sophie Turner. Heavy movie 2021 trailer, release date, cast Sophie Turner | Indie, Drama, Revenge.
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