The Night tells the story of an Iranian couple living in the US, who become trapped inside a hotel where insidious, supernatural events force them to face the secrets that have come between them, in a night that never ends. – The Night 2021.
Originally known as An Shab in Persian, The Night is directed by Iranian filmmaker Kourosh Ahari (The Yellow Wallpaper, Generations). The screenplay is written by Ahari with Milad Jarmooz, from a story by Milad Jarmooz.
- Starring : Shahab Hosseini / Niousha Jafarian
- Genre : Horror / Mystery / Thriller
- Country : United States / Iran
- Language : Persian / English
- Director : Kourosh Ahari
- Production : Mammoth Pictures / Indie Entertainment / Orama Filmworks / 7Skies Entertainment / Leveller Media / SuperNova8 Films
- Distributor : IFC Midnight
The Night movie
The Night release date
- January 18, 2020 : USA (Santa Barbara International Film Festival)
- March 8, 2020 : USA (Cinequest Film Festival)
- October 8, 2020 : Spain (Sitges International Fantastic Film Festival)
- October 9, 2020 : USA (Nightstream Film Festival)
- November 20, 2020 : Spain (Molins Film Festival)
- January 29, 2021 : USA
The Night cast
- Shahab Hosseini as Babak Naderi
- Niousha Jafarian as Neda
- Leah Oganyan as Shabnam Naderi
- George Maguire as Hotel Receptionist
- Gia Mora as Sara
- Michael Graham as Police Officer
- Niousha Noor as Neda Naderi
- Steph Martinez as Sofia (voice)
- Cara Fuqua as Dark Figure
- Elester Latham as Displaced Man
- Ali Kousheshi as Mohsen
- Armin Mehr as Farhad
- Hana Rahimzadeh as Mani
- Lily V.K. as Sofia
- Sam Tarazandehpour as Barbod
The Night 2021
The Night is produced by Kourosh Ahari, Jeffrey Allard, Armin Amiri, Alex Bretow, Mohammad Dormanesh, and Cheryl Dillard Staurulakis. The movie premiered at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival in January 2020. The Night is set to be released in select US theaters and on VOD on January 29, 2021.
This horror thriller film already won three awards, namely the Jury Prize for Best Director, Best Actor (Shahab Hosseini), and Best Screenplay at the Molins Film Festival 2020.
The Night (2021 movie) trailer, release date, Shahab Hosseini, Niousha Jafarian. The Night movie 2021 trailer, release date, cast Shahab Hosseini, Niousha Jafarian | Horror, Mystery, Thriller.
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