Sacrifice tells the story of Isaac (Ludovic Hughes) and his pregnant wife (Sophie Stevens), who return to his birthplace after his mother’s death to claim an unexpected inheritance. During their visit on the remote Norwegian island, the couple discover dark secrets from Isaac’s past. Their pleasant trip soon turns into a nightmare when Isaac and his wife encounter a sinister cult that worships a sea-dwelling deity. – Sacrifice 2021.
This horror film is both co-written and co-directed by Andy Collier and Toor Mian, who both co-directed the film Charismata. The screenplay is based on a short story by Paul Kane. The film stars Barbara Crampton, Sophie Stevens, and Ludovic Hughes.
- Starring : Barbara Crampton / Sophie Stevens
- Genre : Horror
- Country : United Kingdom
- Language : English
- Director : Andy Collier / Toor Mian
- Production : Hydra Films RKM / Loose Canon Films
- Distributor : 101 Films / Epic Pictures
Sacrifice movie
Sacrifice release date
- October 22, 2020 : UK (FrightFest)
- February 5, 2021 : USA
Sacrifice cast
- Barbara Crampton as Renate
- Sophie Stevens as Emma
- Ludovic Hughes as Isaac
- Lukas Loughran as Gunnar
- Johanna Adde Dahl as Astrid
- Jack Kristiansen as Ledvor
- Erik Lundin as Hallstein
- Dag Soerlie as Matias
Sacrifice 2021
Sacrifice is produced by Toor Mian and Ross Scaife. The movie premiered at FrightFest on October 22, 2020. Sacrifice is set to be released in select US theaters on February 5, 2021; on VOD starting February 9; and on Blu-ray on February 23.
Sacrifice (2021 movie) trailer, release date, Barbara Crampton. Sacrifice movie 2021 trailer, release date, cast Barbara Crampton | Horror.
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