The KID, an imaginative and odd 9 year old boy who lives with his free-spirited Grandpa in a sparsely populated town accidentally finds and activates 5 cosmic rings of power in a space ship wreck, sending a signal out of the whereabouts of the most powerful and desirable artifacts in the cosmos. Now the Earth is about to be ground zero for an epic battle for ultimate power! The KID gives the rest of the powerful rings to locals who become the good guys… even though they’re bad at it. – Kid Cosmic | Netflix.
Network: Netflix
Release date: February 2, 2021
Cast: Keith Ferguson, Jack Fisher, Amanda Céline Miller
Kid Cosmic (Season 1) Netflix, Animation, trailer, release date.
Kid Cosmic Netflix
In this animated series from the creator of “The Powerpuff Girls,” an odd, imaginative boy acquires superpowers after finding five cosmic rings. A young boy who dreams of becoming a hero, stumbles across some cosmic stones of power appear to have come true.
Kid Cosmic (Season 1) Netflix, Animation, trailer, release date | Netflix.
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