Based on a true story, this clever, intriguing, and hyperbolic comedy follows the main character – known as the Narrator (Thomas Sadoski) who’s befriended by his young new neighbor the Kid (Jake Robinson), after he joins the local newspaper team. Obsessed with the idea that the Kid may be a sociopath, the Narrator goes to extreme lengths to uncover the truth about him and his wife, a woman he ultimately begins to fancy. Between long walks down the street, a twisted dinner date, and a car drive gone terribly wrong, the Narrator gets closer & closer to the truth about the Kid. But the truth, as he finds, is anything but what he expected. – The Mimic 2021.
The Mimic is written and directed by Thomas F. Mazziotti (Undertow, Charlie Hoboken).
- Genre : Comedy
- Country : United States
- Language : English
- Director : Thomas F. Mazziotti
- Production : Red Square Pictures
- Distributor : Gravitas Ventures
The Mimic movie
The Mimic release date
- March 7, 2020 : USA (Cinequest Film Festival)
- February 5, 2021: USA (select theaters & VOD)
The Mimic cast
- Thomas Sadoski as The Narrator
- Jake Robinson as The Kid
- Austin Pendleton as Driver
- Gina Gershon as Paula
- Jessica Walter as Estelle
- M. Emmet Walsh as Director
- Marilu Henner as Assistant Editor
- Tammy Blanchard as Young Woman
- Didi Conn as Gossip Lady
- Matthew Maher as Waiter / Bartender
- Josh Pais as Neurotic Lawyer
- Jessica Keenan Wynn as Librarian
- Doug Plaut as Writer
- Steve Routman as Optician
- Teddy Coluca as Customer
The Mimic 2021
The Mimic 2021 movie stars Thomas Sadoski and Jake Robinson, with Austin Pendleton, Gina Gershon, Marilu Henner, Tammy Blanchard, Didi Conn, Josh Pais, & Jessica Keenan Wynn.
This dark comedy is executive produced by Stephen R. Foreht and Paul Jarrett, with Benjamin Cox as producer. The Mimic premiered at the Cinequest Film Festival on March 7, 2020. It will be released by Gravitas Ventures in select US theaters and on VOD starting February 5, 2021.
The Mimic (2021 movie) trailer, release date. The Mimic movie 2021 trailer, release date.
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