The series chronicles the life of Robyn McCall, an enigmatic woman and single mother to teenage daughter Delilah, with a mysterious background who uses her extensive skills to help those with nowhere else to turn, acting as a guardian angel and a defender for those who cannot defend themselves while pursuing her own redemption. – The Equalizer | CBS.
Network: CBS
Release date: February 7, 2021 at 10pm EST
Cast: Queen Latifah, Chris Noth, Lorraine Toussaint, Liza Lapira, Tory Kittles, Adam Goldberg
The Equalizer (Season 1 Episode 1) Queen Latifah, trailer, release date.
The Equalizer Season 1
The Equalizer is an American crime drama television series that is scheduled to premiere on CBS on February 7, 2021. The series is a reimagining of the 1980s drama of the same name, which originally aired on the network from 1985 to 1989, and is the second reboot in the franchise, following the 2014 film and its 2018 sequel.
The series is co-created by executive producers Richard Lindheim, who was the co-creator of the original television series with Michael Sloan, and Queen Latifah, who also stars as the title character. John Davis, John Fox, Debra Martin Chase, Andrew Marlowe and Terri Miller also serve as executive producers.
The Equalizer (Season 1 Episode 1) Queen Latifah, trailer, release date | CBS.
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