Sweet Home follows the story of Cha Hyunsoo (Song Kang), a loner high school student who moves to an old apartment complex called Green Home, after losing his entire family in a terrible accident. His quiet life is soon disturbed by strange incidents that start occurring in his new building. As humans turn into savage monsters and wreak terror, Hyun-soo and other residents fight to survive – and to hold on to their humanity. Startattle.com – Sweet Home.
This South Korean television series is based on the webtoon of the same name by Kim Kan-bi and Hwang Young-chan. The horror drama series stars Song Kang, Lee Jin-wook (aka Lee Jin-uk), and Lee Si-young.
Network: Netflix
Release date: December 18, 2020 at 3:01 AM EST
Cast: Song Kang as Cha Hyun-soo, Lee Jin-wook as Pyeon Sang-wook, Lee Si-young as Seo Yi-kyeong
Sweet Home (Season 1) Netflix, Song Kang, Lee Jin-uk, Horror, trailer, release date.
Sweet Home Netflix
Sweet Home (Korean: 스위트홈; RR: Seuwiteuhom) is mainly directed by Eung-bok Lee. Creators of the series are Lee Eung-bok, Hong So-ri, Jang Young-woo, Kim Hyeong-min, Park So-hyeon, and Park So-jeong. Its teleplay is written by Kim Hyung-min, Park So-Jeong and Hong So-ri, based on the original story by Kim Kan-bi and Hwang Young-chan. The first season of the series is set to be released on Netflix on December 18, 2020.
South Korean actor Song Kang (age 26) portrays the lead role Cha Hyunsoo. Song made his television debut in the 2017 romantic-comedy The Liar and His Lover. He starred in several television series including Man in the Kitchen, Touch Your Heart, and When the Devil Calls Your Name. His first lead role is in the Netflix television series Love Alarm. Song also starred in the 2018 film Beautiful Vampire.
Sweet Home (Season 1) Netflix, Song Kang, Lee Jin-uk, Horror, trailer, release date, Horror, South Korean.
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