Haymaker follows a retired Muay Thai fighter (Sasso) working as a bouncer, who rescues an alluring transgender performer (Ruiz) from a nefarious thug, eventually becoming her bodyguard, protector, and confidant. The relationship leads Sasso’s character to make an unexpected return to fighting, risking not only his relationship, but his life. Its a story about human dignity and love. Startattle.com – Haymaker 2021.
- Genre : Action / Drama
- Country : United States
- Language : English / Greek / Thai
- Director : Nick Sasso
- Production : Hood River Entertainment / HeroFace Productions
- Distributor : Gravitas Ventures / Kamikaze Dogfight
Haymaker movie
Haymaker release date
Year of release date is 2021. But the exact date is yet to be announced. Stay tuned!
Haymaker cast
- Zoë Bell as Rosie
- Veronica Falcón as Marisol
- Udo Kier as David
- D.B. Sweeney as Mack
- John Ventimiglia as Javier
- Nomi Ruiz as Nomi
- Kathryn Kates as Mama
- Olan Montgomery as Bluto
- Nick Sasso as Nick
- Steve Lord as Goon
- Deborah Unger as Nurse June
- David M Sandoval Jr. as Fighter
- Adele René as Delilah
- Ty Hickson as Logan
- Michael Straka as Broadcaster
Haymaker 2021
Haymaker 2021 movie follows a retired Muay Thai fighter (Sasso) working as a bouncer, who rescues an alluring transgender performer (Ruiz) from a nefarious thug, eventually becoming her bodyguard, protector, and confidant. The relationship leads Sasso’s character to make an unexpected return to fighting, risking not only his relationship, but his life. Its a story about human dignity and love.
Haymaker (2021 movie) trailer, release date. Haymaker movie 2021 trailer, release date.
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