Clarice is set in 1993, a year after the events of The Silence of the Lambs. The series is a deep dive into the untold personal story of Clarice Starling (Rebecca Breeds), as she returns to the field to pursue serial murderers and sexual predators while navigating the high-stakes political world of Washington, D.C. – Clarice.
Network: CBS
Release date: February 11, 2021 at 10pm EST
Cast: Rebecca Breeds, Lucca De Oliveira, Devyn A. Tyler, Kal Penn, Nick Sandow, Michael Cudlitz, Marnee Carpenter
Clarice (Season 1 Episode 1) trailer, release date, “Silence of the Lambs” sequel.
Clarice Season 1
Clarice is an American psychological horror television series created by Alex Kurtzman and Jenny Lumet. Produced by CBS Television Studios, MGM Television, and Secret Hideout, it is based on the best selling novel The Silence of the Lambs by Thomas Harris. The series will star Rebecca Breeds, Lucca De Oliveira, Devyn A. Tyler, Kal Penn, Nick Sandow, Michael Cudlitz, and Marnee Carpenter. The series is set to premiere on February 11, 2021 on CBS.
Clarice (Season 1 Episode 1) trailer, release date | CBS | “Silence of the Lambs” sequel.
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