Willy’s Wonderland (originally titled Wally’s Wonderland) follows a quiet drifter (Nicolas Cage) tricked into a janitorial job at the now condemned Willy’s Wonderland. The tedious tasks suddenly become a fight for survival against wave after wave of demonic animatronics. Fists fly, kicks land, titans clash – and only one side will make it out alive.
This American horror film is directed by writer and filmmaker Kevin Lewis (The Method, Downward Angel, Dark Heart, The Third Nail) while its screenplay is written by G.O. Parsons. The film stars Nicolas Cage, Emily Tosta, Beth Grant, Caylee Cowan, and Ric Reitz.
- Starring : Nicolas Cage / Emily Tosta
- Genre : Horror / Thriller
- Country : United States
- Language : English
- Director : Kevin Lewis
- Production : JD Entertainment / Landafar Entertainment / Landmark Studio Group / Production Capital
- Distributor : Movie Cloud / Pegasus Co. / Blitz / Eagle Pictures / Foresight Unlimited / Madman Entertainment / Myndform / Nos Lusomundo Audiovisuais / SF Norge A/S / Signature Entertainment / Splendid Film / VVS Films
Willy’s Wonderland movie
Willy’s Wonderland release date
- February 12, 2021 : USA (VOD)
Willy’s Wonderland cast
- Nicolas Cage as Janitor
- Emily Tosta as Liv
- Caylee Cowan as Kathy
- Beth Grant as Sheriff Lund
- David Sheftell as Evan
- Kai Kadlec as Chris Muley
- Terayle Hill as Bobby
- Ric Reitz as Tex Macadoo
- Chris Warner as Jed Love
- Jonathan Mercedes as Dan
- Christian Delgrosso as Aaron
- Grant Cramer as Jerry Wallace
- Chris Schmidt Jr. as Tito Turtle
- Olga Cramer as Judy
- Taylor Towery as Cammy Chameleon
Willy’s Wonderland is produced by Grant Cramer, Jeremy Davis, Bryan Lord, Michael Nilon, and David Ozer. The film will be released by Screen Media Films in select theaters and on VOD in 2021, although no definite date date has been set as of this writing.
It was announced in October 2019 that Nicolas Cage had joined the cast of the film. In February 2020, Emily Tosta, Beth Grant, Caylee Cowan, and Ric Reitz also joined the cast. Principal photography for Willy’s Wonderland took place in and around Atlanta, Georgia.
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