In every backyard, a secret world exists filled with tiny creatures. The Mighty Ones follows the hilarious adventures of a group of creatures: a twig, a pebble, a leaf and a strawberry. These best friends, self-named “The Mighty Ones,” live in an unkempt backyard belonging to a trio of equally unkempt humans whom they mistake for gods. Despite their diminutive stature, The Mighty Ones are determined to live life large and always have fun in their wild world.
Network: Hulu
Release date: November 9, 2020
Cast: Alex Cazares, Jessica McKenna, Jimmy Tatro, Josh Brener
The Mighty Ones (Season 1) Hulu, Comedy, Animation, trailer, release date.
The Mighty Ones Hulu
The Mighty Ones follows the hilarious adventures of a group of creatures: a rock, a strawberry, a stick and a leaf. These best friends, self-named The Mighty Ones, live in an unkempt backyard belonging to a trio of equally unkempt humans whom they mistake for gods. Despite their diminutive stature, The Mighty Ones are determined to live life large and always have fun in their wild world.
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