Little Fish follows the newlywed couple Emma (Olivia Cooke) and Jude (Jack O’Connell), who fights to hold their relationship together before a rampant memory loss virus can erase all memory of their love. – Little Fish.
This American science fiction romantic drama film is directed by Chad Hartigan (Luke and Brie Are on a First Date, This is Martin Bonner, Morris from America). Its screenplay was written by Mattson Tomlin. Little Fish stars Olivia Cooke, Jack O’Connell, Raúl Castillo, and Soko.
- Starring : Olivia Cooke / Jack O’Connell
- Genre : Romance / Sci-Fi
- Country : United States / Canada
- Language : English
- Director : Chad Hartigan
- Production : Automatik Entertainment / Black Bear Pictures / Oddfellows Entertainment / Tango Entertainment
- Distributor : IFC Films / Sony Pictures Worldwide Acquisitions (SPWA)
Little Fish movie
Little Fish release date
- October 1, 2020 : USA (virtual cinema) (Newport Beach Film Festival)
- October 26, 2020 : USA (virtual cinema) (Philadelphia International Film Festival)
- November 5, 2020 : USA (virtual cinema) (St. Louis International Film Festival)
- February 5, 2021 : USA
Little Fish cast
- Olivia Cooke as Emma
- Jack O’Connell as Jude
- Soko as Samantha
- Raúl Castillo as Ben
- David Lennon as Tim
- Toby Hargrave as Frank
- Mackenzie Cardwell as Cat Girl
- Ross Wirtanen as Jude’s Friend #1
- Heather Decksheimer as Jude’s Friend #2
- Natalie Smith as Jude’s Friend #3
- Ronald Robinson as Fisherman
- Wyatt Cameron as Lost Fisherman
- Morgana Wyllie as Marathon Runner
- Monique Phillips as Woman in Sequin Dress
- Paul Almeida as Screaming Man
Imagine waking up in a world where a pandemic has broken out and causes its victims to lose their memories. Imagine waking up and not remembering the person you love. This is the world that newlyweds Emma and Jude find themselves in, not long after meeting and falling in love. When Jude contracts the disease, the young couple will do anything to hold onto the memory of their love.
Little Fish is produced by Lia Buman, Rian Cahill, Tim Headington, Brian Kavanaugh-Jones and Mattson Tomlin. It is scheduled to be released on February 5, 2021, by IFC Films. It was scheduled to have its world premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival on April 17, 2020, but the festival was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, it was nominated for the Founders Award – Best Narrative Feature in the said festival.
The film played at virtual cinemas during the Newport Beach Film Festival and Philadelphia International Film Festival in October 2020, and the St. Louis International Film Festival in November 2020.
Little Fish is scheduled to be released on February 5, 2021 by iFC Films.
Little Fish (2021 movie) Olivia Cooke, Jack O’Connell, Soko. Little Fish movie 2021 trailer, cast Olivia Cooke, Jack O’Connell, Soko.
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