Sweet Autumn tells the story of Maggie (Nikki DeLoach), a successful entrepreneur who returns home for a will reading. Maggie discovers that her Aunt Dee split her famed maple candy business between her and maple farmer Dex (Andrew Walker). Following letters Dee left, the two uncover the reason for her final wishes, during the Sweet Autumn festival. As she and Dex grow closer, Maggie must decide if the life she built is the one she wants.
This romance movie is directed by Gary Yates and written by Tyler Straessle. It stars Nikki DeLoach, Andrew Walker, Henriette Ivanans, and Eugene Baffoe.
- Starring : Nikki DeLoach / Andrew Walker
- Genre : Romance
- Country : Canada / United States
- Language : English
- Director : Gary Yates
- Production : Cartel Pictures / The Cartel
- Distributor : Hallmark Channel / Reel One Entertainment / W Network
Sweet Autumn movie
Sweet Autumn release date
- October 17, 2020 : USA
- October 25, 2020 : Canada
Sweet Autumn cast
- Nikki Deloach as Maggie
- Andrew W. Walker as Dex
- Henriette Ivanans as Aunt Dee
- Eugene Baffoe as Zachary
Sweet Autumn is executive produced by Tom Berry, Stan Spry, and Eric Scott Woods. The TV movie premiered on the Hallmark channel on October 17, 2020.
American actress and singer Nikki DeLoach (age 41) plays the role of Maggie. DeLoach started out as a member of “The Mickey Mouse Club” alongside Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Keri Russell, Ryan Gosling, Justin Timberlake, and JC Chasez. She starred in several TV series including Misery Loves Company, North Shore, Windfall, Days of Our Lives, Awkward, and Ringer, among others. Her film credits include Traveller, The Net 2.0, Hollywoo, The Hunted and several Hallmark TV films including “The Perfect Catch,” “Christmas Land,” “A Dream of Christmas,” “Truly, Madly, Sweetly,” “Love Takes Flight,” “Reunited at Christmas,” and “Two Turtle Doves.”
Canadian actor and film producer Andrew Walker (age 41) portrays Dex . Walker made his film debut in Laserhawk (1997). He then starred in several television series such as Maybe It’s Me, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, and Hot Properties. His film credits include Steel Toes, The Mountie, Penthouse North, and God Bless the Broken Road.
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