Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness, known as BIOHAZARD Infinite Darkness in Japan, is an upcoming animated series. The series, described as episodic, will air on the Netflix streaming service in 2021 alongside a separate live-action Resident Evil series. The series will be featuring two returning protagonists, Leon Scott Kennedy and Claire Redfield, who previously starred together in the 2019 game, Resident Evil 2 and the 2008 animated film, Resident Evil: Degeneration. It was officially announced during the 2020 Tokyo Game Show.
Network: Netflix
Release date: 2021
Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness (Season 1) Netflix, Horror, Animation, Anime, trailer, release date.
Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness Netflix
Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness is an upcoming 3D computer animated anime web series based on the Resident Evil franchise by Capcom. The series stars Resident Evil 2 protagonists Claire Redfield and Leon S. Kennedy.
Produced by TMS Entertainment, Infinite Darkness is scheduled for a 2021 premiere on Netflix.
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