This drama movie follows the journey of Natalie “Honey Bee” Sorensen (Julia Sarah Stone), an underage truck stop prostitute trapped in a human trafficking ring until she is transplanted into foster care in remote Northern Ontario and forced to confront her identity.
Honey Bee is a 2018 Canadian drama film directed by Canadian Screen Award nominated writer-director Rama Rau, marking her feature directorial debut after several critically acclaimed documentaries. The screenplay is written by Bonnie Fairweather and Kathleen Hepburn. It stars Julia Sarah Stone, Martha Plimpton, and Steven Love.
- Starring : Julia Sarah Stone / Martha Plimpton
- Genre : Drama
- Country : Canada
- Language : English
- Director : Rama Rau
- Production : Sixth Avenue Enterprises / Flimshow
- Distributor : A71 Entertainment
Honey Bee movie
Honey Bee release date
- December 1, 2018 : Canada (Whistler Film Festival) (premiere)
- September 20, 2019 : Canada (Toronto)
- May 15, 2021 : Canada (Canadian Broadcast Corporation)
- November 10, 2020 : USA
Honey Bee cast
- Julia Sarah Stone as Natalie
- Martha Plimpton as Louise
- Steven Love as Ryan
- Michelle McLeod as Chante
- Connor Price as Matt
- Sofia Banzhaf as Cherry
- Maurice Dean Wint as Det. Walker
- Peter Outerbridge as Christian
- Spencer Macpherson as Zach
- Kendra Leigh Timmins as Kendall
- Anwen O’Driscoll as Lindsay
- Pat Mills as Mr. Delaney
- Kayla Dumont as Jade
- Tammy Isbell as Sophia
- Cassandra Cain as Sugar
Honey Bee is produced by Sally Karam. It debuted at the Whistler Film Festival in December 2018. The film already won two awards namely William F. White Reel Canadian Indie Award at the Canadian Filmmakers’ Festival 2019 and Best Lead Performance by a Female in a Motion Picture for Julia Sarah Stone at the Leo Awards 2019.
Canadian actress Julia Sarah Stone (age 22) plays the title role Honey Bee. Stone’s breakthrough role was in the 2011 feature The Year Dolly Parton Was My Mom, for which she received a Young Artist Award. Her film credits include Wet Bum, The Unseen, and Allure. She also appeared in the television series Emily Owens, M.D., The Killing (Season 3), and Aftermath. Stone was named a Toronto International Film Festival Rising Star in 2014 for her role in Wet Bum and also won her first Leo Award of Best Lead Performance by a Female in a Motion Picture for the same film.
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