My Best Friend’s Bouquet follows Josie Hughes (Chaley Rose), a hopeless romantic who believes in the kind of romance in black-and-white movies where the leading lady finds her one true love and gets swept off her feet. She believes the wedding bouquet always finds its way to the right person when tossed by the bride, as proven time and again at weddings dating back to her childhood.
When single Josie catches her friend Emma’s (Luisa d’Oliveira) bouquet instead of their not-single friend Athena (Rebecca Olson), she fears she’s ruined Athena’s chances of getting engaged. But when Josie begins dating eligible bachelor Will (Jaime M. Callica) after meeting at the reception, she decides the bouquet is responsible for the budding romance and begins to think that Will is “the one.” By clinging to the notion that the bouquet is always right, she’s missing the signs that her perfect match is someone else who’s been right in front of her all along.
This romance movie is directed by Jessica Harmon and stars Chaley Rose, Nathan Witte, Rebecca Olson,
Luisa D’Oliveira, Casey Manderson, Thomas Cadrot, and Jaime M. Callica.
- Starring : Chaley Rose / Nathan Witte
- Genre : Romance
- Country : Canada
- Language : English
- Director : Jessica Harmon
- Production : Two 4 The Money Media
- Distributor : Hallmark Channel / W Network
My Best Friend’s Bouquet movie
My Best Friend’s Bouquet release date
- October 10, 2020 : USA
- October 17, 2020 : Canada
My Best Friend’s Bouquet cast
- Chaley Rose as Josie
- Nathan Witte as Alex
- Rebecca Olson as Athena
- Luisa d’Oliveira as Emma
- Casey Manderson as Brian
- Thomas Cadrot as Ted
- Jaime M. Callica as Will
- Francesca Bianchi as Marissa
- Adil Zaidi as Len Melcher
- Jeb Beach as Barista Dave
- Carolyn Adair as Wedding sales clerk
My Best Friend’s Bouquet is executive produced by Kim Arnott, Gaylyn Fraiche, Ivan Hayden, and Stephan Yacobian. The movie premiered on the Hallmark channel on October 10, 2020.
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