Wonder Boys is a 2000 comedy-drama film directed by Curtis Hanson and written by Steve Kloves. An international co-production between the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Japan, it is based on the 1995 novel of the same name by Michael Chabon. Michael Douglas stars as professor Grady Tripp, a novelist who teaches creative writing at a university but has been unable to finish his second novel.
- Starring : Michael Douglas / Tobey Maguire / Frances McDormand / Katie Holmes / Robert Downey Jr
- Genre : Comedy / Drama
- Country : United States / Germany / United Kingdom / Japan
- Language : English
- Director : Curtis Hanson
- Production : British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) / H2L Media Group / MFF Feature Film Productions / Marubeni / Mutual Film Company / Paramount Pictures / Scott Rudin Productions / Tele München Fernseh Produktionsgesellschaft (TMG) / Toho-Towa
- Distributor : Paramount Pictures / Sandrew Metronome Distribution Sverige AB / Warner Bros. / Argentina Video Home / Concorde Filmverleih / Concorde Home Entertainment / New Films International / Sandrew Metronome Distribution / Sandrews / Toho-Towa / TriPictures / Visionary Thinking
Wonder Boys movie
Wonder Boys release date
- February 22, 2000 : USA (premiere)
- February 23, 2000 : USA (limited)
- February 25, 2000 : USA
- August 3, 2000 : Australia
- September 2, 2000 : Japan
- September 28, 2000 : Spain
- October 26, 2000 : Israel
- November 2, 2000 : Germany
- November 3, 2000 : UK
- November 3, 2000 : Ireland
- November 8, 2000 : USA (re-release)
- November 9, 2000 : Switzerland (German speaking region)
- November 17, 2000 : Sweden
- January 10, 2001 : France
- March 13, 2001 : Canada (DVD premiere)
- June 4, 2013 : Canada (DVD premiere)
- October 24, 2016 : USA (Philadelphia International Film Festival)
Wonder Boys cast
- Michael Douglas as Grady Tripp
- Tobey Maguire as James Leer
- Frances McDormand as Sara Gaskell
- Robert Downey Jr. as Terry Crabtree
- Katie Holmes as Hannah Green
- Rip Torn as Q
- Richard Knox as Vernon Hardapple
- Jane Adams as Oola
- Michael Cavadias as Miss Sloviak
- Richard Thomas as Walter Gaskell
- Alan Tudyk as Traxler
- Philip Bosco as Emily’s Father
- George Grizzard as Fred Leer
- Kelly Bishop as Amanda Leer
- Bill Velin as Officer Pupcik
Professor Grady Tripp is a novelist who teaches creative writing at an unnamed Pittsburgh university. He is having an affair with the university chancellor, Sara Gaskell, whose husband, Walter, is the chairman of the English department in which Grady is a professor. Grady’s third wife, Emily, has just left him, and he has failed to repeat the grand success of his first novel, published years earlier. He continues to labor on a second novel, but the more he tries to finish it the less able he finds himself to invent a satisfactory ending. The book runs to over two and a half thousand pages and is still far from finished. He spends his free time smoking marijuana.
Grady’s students include James Leer and Hannah Green. Hannah and James are friends and both very good writers. Hannah, who rents a room in Grady’s large house, is attracted to Grady, but he does not reciprocate. James is enigmatic, quiet, dark and enjoys writing fiction more than he first lets on.
During a party at the Gaskells’ house, Sara reveals to Grady that she is pregnant with his child. Grady finds James standing outside holding what he claims to be a replica gun, won by his mother at a fairground during her schooldays. However, the gun turns out to be very real, as James shoots the Gaskells’ dog when he finds it attacking Grady. James also steals a very valuable piece of Marilyn Monroe memorabilia from the house. Grady is unable to tell Sara of this incident as she is pressuring him to choose between her and Emily. As a result, Grady is forced to keep the dead dog in the trunk of his car for most of the weekend. He also allows James to follow him around, fearing that he may be depressed or even suicidal. Gradually, he realizes that much of what James tells him about himself and his life is untrue, seemingly designed to elicit Grady’s sympathy.
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