Save Yourselves! is a comedy film written and directed by Alex Huston Fischer and Eleanor Wilson. Sunita Mani, John Paul Reynolds, John Early, and Jo Firestone star. The film premiered at the 2020 Sundance Film Festival. It is scheduled to be released on October 2, 2020 by Bleecker Street.
- Starring : Sunita Mani / John Paul Reynolds
- Genre : Comedy / Sci-Fi
- Country : United States
- Language : English
- Director : Alex Huston Fischer / Eleanor Wilson
- Production : Keshet Studios / Last Rodeo Studios / Washington Square Films
- Distributor : Bleecker Street Media
Save Yourselves movie
Save Yourselves release date
- January 25, 2020 : USA (Sundance Film Festival)
- October 2, 2020 : USA (Theatrical Release)
- October 6, 2020 : USA (internet)
Save Yourselves cast
- Sunita Mani as Su
- John Reynolds as Jack
- Ben Sinclair as Raph
- John Early as Blake
- Jo Firestone as Desi
- Gary Richardson as Chuck
- Johanna Day as Judy
- Zenobia Shroff as Su’s Mom (voice)
- Amy Sedaris as Jack’s Mom
- Stephen Koepfer as Desperate Man
A Brooklyn couple decide to “disconnect” by ditching their phones for a weekend and wind up missing news of an alien attack.
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