Repression tells the story of a therapist named Marianne (Thekla Reuten), who moves to a remote area of Scotland. Her attempts at a new life is thrown off course by one of her patients, ten year old Manny (Elijah Wolf), who claims he can see and control her future. Marianne struggles against both the wall of silence from her colleagues and her own mind as she tries to uncover the truth behind Manny’s eerie drawings.
Originally known as Marionette, Repression is directed by Dutch filmmaker Elbert van Strien (Two Eyes Staring), from a screenplay written by Ben Hopkins and Elbert van Strien. This gripping Hitchcock-esque thriller set in Scotland stars Thekla Reuten, Elijah Wolf, Peter Mullan, Bill Paterson, and Rebecca Front.
- Starring : Thekla Reuten / Elijah Wolf / Peter Mullan
- Genre : Mystery / Thriller
- Country : Netherlands / Luxembourg / United Kingdom
- Language : English
- Director : Elbert van Strien
- Production : Accento Films / Black Camel Pictures / BosBros / Samsa Film
- Distributor : In The Air / Signature Entertainment
Repression movie
Repression release date
- September 28, 2020 : UK (internet)
Repression cast
- Thekla Reuten as Marianne Winter
- Elijah Wolf as Manny
- Peter Mullan as Dr. McVittie
- Bill Paterson as Mandelbaum
- Rebecca Front as Maureen
- Emun Elliott as Kieran
- Sam Hazeldine as Josh
- Pearl Chanda as Margie
- Craig McDonald-Kelly as Cameron
- Julian Nest as Inspector Blane
- Jochum ten Haaf as Campbell
- Marnie Baxter as Manny’s Mother
- John Scougall as Officer Stewart
- Elisabet Johannesdottir as Kim Kaplan
- Geoffrey Newland as Manny’s Father
Repression is produced by Burny Bos, Claudia Brandt and Elbert van Strien. It will be released by Signature Entertainment on VOD in the United Kingdom on September 28, 2020.
Dutch actress Thekla Reuten portrays Marianne in the film. Reuten became known for her portrayal of Lotte in the film Twin Sisters, which was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film. Her film credits include Highlander: The Source, In Bruges, In Transit, and Red Sparrow.
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