Pretty Woman is a 1990 American romantic comedy film directed by Garry Marshall, from a screenplay by J. F. Lawton. The film stars Richard Gere and Julia Roberts, and features Héctor Elizondo, Ralph Bellamy (in his final performance), Laura San Giacomo, and Jason Alexander in supporting roles. The film’s story centers on down-on-her-luck Hollywood prostitute Vivian Ward, who is hired by Edward Lewis, a wealthy businessman, to be his escort for several business and social functions, and their developing relationship over the course of her week-long stay with him. The film’s title Pretty Woman is based on “Oh, Pretty Woman”, written and sung by Roy Orbison. It is the first film on-screen collaboration between Gere and Roberts; their second film, Runaway Bride, was released in 1999.
- Starring : Richard Gere / Julia Roberts
- Genre : Comedy / Romance
- Country : United States
- Language : English
- Director : Garry Marshall
- Production : Touchstone Pictures / Silver Screen Partners IV
- Distributor : Buena Vista Pictures / Roadshow Films / Warner Bros. / Roadshow Home Video / Touchstone Home Video / Buena Vista International / Buena Vista Home Entertainment / Gativideo / Showtime Networks / American Broadcasting Company (ABC) / Park Circus / BBC One / Divisa Home Video / Net5 / Touchstone Home Entertainment / Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment
Pretty Woman movie
Pretty Woman release date
- March 23, 1990 : Canada
- March 23, 1990 : USA
- May 3, 1990 : Australia
- June 1, 1990 : UK
- June 1, 1990 : Ireland
- June 29, 1990 : Sweden
- July 6, 1990 : Israel
- October 10, 1990 : Spain
- November 28, 1990 : France
- December 7, 1990 : Japan
- February 12, 2010 : UK (re-release)
- March 8, 2019 : India (internet)
Pretty Woman cast
- Richard Gere as Edward Lewis
- Julia Roberts as Vivian Ward
- Ralph Bellamy as James Morse
- Jason Alexander as Philip Stuckey
- Laura San Giacomo as Kit De Luca
- Alex Hyde-White as David Morse
- Amy Yasbeck as Elizabeth Stuckey
- Elinor Donahue as Bridget
- Hector Elizondo as Barney Thompson
- Judith Baldwin as Susan
- Jason Randal as Magician
- Bill Applebaum as Howard
- Tracy Bjork as Female Guest
- Gary Greene as Male Guest
- Billy Gallo as Carlos (as William Gallo)
Edward Lewis, a high-powered corporate raider from New York, buys and dismantles struggling companies, selling off the assets for profit. He wants his girlfriend to accompany him during a business trip, but fed up with being his “beck and call girl,” she ends their relationship. Leaving a business party in the Hollywood Hills, Edward takes his lawyer’s Lotus Esprit sports car and accidentally ends up on Hollywood Boulevard in the city’s red-light district. There he encounters prostitute Vivian Ward. As he is having difficulties driving a manual transmission car, he pays Vivian to drive him to the Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel. Edward then hires her for the night. The next day, he asks Vivian to play his girlfriend, offering $3000 for six days and a new wardrobe. Prior to an important business dinner, Barney, the hotel’s helpful concierge, tutors Vivian in proper etiquette and arranges for her to buy a cocktail dress after several snooty shop clerks had refused to wait on her. Edward is impressed by Vivian’s transformation and opens up to her, revealing details about his personal and business lives.
At a polo match, Edward’s attorney, Phillip, suspects Vivian is a corporate spy until Edward reveals how they met. Phillip later propositions Vivian for her services after Edward is finished with her. Vivian is hurt and furious at Edward for exposing her. Edward apologizes and realizes Vivian’s straightforward personality is rubbing off on him. Edward takes Vivian by private jet to see La Traviata at the San Francisco Opera. The story of the prostitute who falls in love with a rich man moves Vivian. She breaks her “no kissing” rule while having sex with Edward. After, mistakenly believing Edward is asleep, Vivian admits she loves him. Edward later offers to help get her off the streets, but she declines, saying that is not her childhood “fairy tale” ending of being rescued by a Knight on a white steed.
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