Percy, formerly titled as Percy vs Goliath, follows a 70-year-old small-town farmer, Percy Schmeiser (Christopher Walken), who takes on a giant corporation after their genetically modified (GMOs) canola interfere with his crops. As Percy begins to speak out against the conglomerate’s business practices, he realizes he is representing thousands of disenfranchised farmers worldwide, fighting the same battle. Suddenly, Percy becomes a folk hero in a desperate war to protect farmers’ rights and the world’s food supply against corporate greed.
This American-Canadian-Indian biographical drama film based on events from a 1998 lawsuit, is directed by Clark Johnson (S.W.A.T., The Sentinel, Juanita) from a screenplay by Garfield Lindsay Miller and Hilary Pryor. It stars Christopher Walken, Christina Ricci, Zach Braff, Luke Kirby, Adam Beach, Martin Donovan, Roberta Maxwell and Peter Stebbings.
- Starring : Christopher Walken / Christina Ricci
- Genre : Biography / Drama
- Country : Canada
- Language : English
- Director : Clark Johnson
- Production : Inferno Pictures Inc. / May Street Productions / Scythia Films
- Distributor : Mongrel
Percy movie
Percy release date
- September 19, 2020 : Canada (Cinéfest Sudbury International Film Festival)
- April 30, 2021 : USA
Percy cast
- Christopher Walken as Percy Schmeiser
- Christina Ricci as Rebecca Salcau
- Zach Braff as Jackson Weaver
- Luke Kirby as Peter Schmeiser
- Martin Donovan as Rick Aarons
- Adam Beach as Alton Kelly
- Peter Stebbings
- Roberta Maxwell as Louise Schmeiser
- Andrea del Campo as Brenda Kelly
- Zoe Fish as Mary Schmeiser
- Melissa Hood as Meghan Lewis-O’Connor
- Anna Hardwick as UK News Anchor
- Natasha Krishnan as UK / Indian News Anchor
- Jason Wishnowski as Investigator #1
- Monique Alvarez as Jane Doe
Percy is produced by Daniel Bekerman, Ethan Lazar, Ian Dimerman, Garfield Lindsay Miller, Hilary Pryor, and Brendon Sawatzky.
Christopher Walken, Christina Ricci, Luke Kirby, Adam Beach, Martin Donovan, Roberta Maxwell, Peter Stebbings and Zach Braff joined the cast of the film in September 2018. Principal photography for the film began that same month.
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