Set in the isolated desert of Winslow, Arizona at NASA’s Moon Base Simulator, MOONBASE 8 follows eager astronauts Skip (Armisen), Rook (Heidecker) and their leader Cap (Reilly) as they attempt to qualify for their first lunar mission. While working vigorously to complete their training, a series of unexpected circumstances forces the astronauts to question their own mental sanity, trust in each other and whether or not they’re cut out for space travel.
Network: Showtime
Release date: November 8, 2020
Cast: Fred Armisen, Tim Heidecker, John C. Reilly
MOONBASE 8 Trailer (2020).
Moonbase 8 Season 1
Moonbase 8 is a upcoming American comedy television series starring Fred Armisen, Tim Heidecker and John C. Reilly. It is set to premiere on November 8, 2020 on Showtime.
Moonbase 8 follows “three subpar astronauts living in NASA’s Moon Base Simulator in the desert with high hopes of being the next chosen to travel through to the moon.”
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