Lupin III: The First is a 2019 Japanese 3DCG comedy action-adventure heist anime film based on the Lupin the Third franchise with a story by Monkey Punch. The film is dedicated to the erstwhile author of the Lupin franchise, Monkey Punch. Marza Animation Planet and TMS Entertainment were the animation studios that brought the 3D venture of Lupin to the big screens. Written and directed by Takashi Yamazaki, the film stars Kanichi Kurita as Lupin III, Kiyoshi Kobayashi as gunman Daisuke Jigen, Daisuke Namikawa as samurai Goemon Ishikawa XIII, Miyuki Sawashiro as Fujiko Mine, and Kōichi Yamadera as Interpol detective Zenigata. Set during the late 1960s of the Shōwa era, the film follows gentleman thief Arsène Lupin III and his eponymous crew from Paris to Brazil to find the whereabouts of the Bresson Diary, a treasure even Lupin’s grandfather Arsène Lupin failed to catch.
A battle for the mechanical diary is unleashed as a treasure-hunter group led by Lambert and Geralt are also in a race to steal it, with the prize that whoever deciphers its mystery will be the owners of an enormous fortune. The movie was released to the theaters in Japan on December 6, 2019 distributed by Toho, with a later worldwide release planned for 2020. A North American release by GKIDS is planned for the later months of 2020. The film was one of the selection for the animated festival Annecy, as well as the 43rd Japanese Academy Awards.
- Starring : Kanichi Kurita
- Genre : Animation / Action / Adventure / Crime / Family / Mystery
- Country : Japan
- Language : Japanese
- Director : Takashi Yamazaki
- Production : Abe Shuji / Chukyo TV Broadcasting Company (CTV) / Fukuoka Broadcasting System (FBS) / Hiroshima Telecasting (HTV) / Marza Animation Planet / Miyagi Television Broadcasting / Nippon Television Network (NTV) / Sapporo Television Broadcasting Company / Shirogumi / Shizuoka Daiichi Television / TMS Entertainment / Toho Company / Video Audio Project (VAP) / Yomiuri Telecasting Corporation (YTV)
- Distributor : Digi-Optic Films / Eurozoom / GKIDS / Sato Company / Toho Company
Lupin III: The First movie
Lupin III: The First release date
- December 6, 2019 : Japan
- January 29, 2020 : Philippines
- March 13, 2020 : India
- October 7, 2020 : France
- 2020 : USA
Lupin III: The First cast
- Rodolfo Bianchi as Ispettore Zenigata
- J. David Brimmer as Lambert (voice)
- Richard Epcar as Daisuke Jigen (voice)
- Doug Erholtz as Inspector Koichi Zenigata (voice)
- Tatsuya Fujiwara as Gerald (voice)
- Paul Guyet as Gerard (voice)
- Suzu Hirose as Laetitia (voice)
- Laurie Hymes as Laetitia (voice)
- Kiyoshi Kobayashi as Daisuke Jigen (voice)
- Alessandra Korompay as Fujiko Mine
- Kan’ichi Kurita as Lupin III (voice)
- Lex Lang as Goemon Ishikawa XIII (voice)
- Alessandro Maria Derrico as Daisuke Jigen
- Daisuke Namikawa as Goemon Ishikawa XIII (voice)
- Tony Oliver as Arsene Lupin III (voice)
In Nazi-occupied France, archaeologist Professor Bresson entrusts his heavily trapped diary and an amulet containing the key to the book to his family. The diary is purported to be the guide to an immense treasure called the Eclipse, which a group of Nazis working for Ahnenerbe seeks to get into their hands. Bresson is killed by the arriving Germans; his family escapes, but is chased down by Ahnenerbe scientist Professor Lambert, and ends up in a car crash which only the infant daughter survives. Lambert steals the amulet, but is unable to find the diary, which was lost during the chase.
In the 1960s, the diary resurfaces during a memorial exhibition in Bresson’s honor. Lupin III tries to steal the book, as his grandfather had unsuccessfully attempted before him, only to be foiled first by a pretty young woman disguised as a security guard, then by Fujiko, and to be arrested by Inspector Zenigata. On his way to prison, Lupin is sprung by his friends Jigen and Goemon and sneaks in to the home of the disguised security guard, a young prospective archeology student named Laetitia. He presents a medal identical to the one stolen by Lambert, which Lupin’s grandfather had left him. Laetitia contacts Lambert, who has become her adoptive grandfather and on whose order she was supposed to steal the book in the first place. Lambert tells her to bring Lupin and the second amulet to him, in exchange for sending her to Boston University to study archeology.
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