High Fidelity is a 2000 American romantic comedy-drama film directed by Stephen Frears. It stars John Cusack, Iben Hjejle, Jack Black, Todd Louiso, and Lisa Bonet. The film is based on the 1995 British novel of the same name by Nick Hornby, with the setting moved from London to Chicago and the name of the lead character changed.
- Starring : John Cusack / Jack Black / Lisa Bonet
- Genre : Comedy / Drama / Music / Romance
- Country : United Kingdom / United States
- Language : English / Danish
- Director : Stephen Frears
- Production : Touchstone Pictures / Working Title Films / Dogstar Films / New Crime Productions
- Distributor : Buena Vista Pictures / Gaumont Buena Vista International (GBVI) / BVI / Kinekor Pictures / Buena Vista International / Audio Visual Enterprises / BBC One / Buena Vista Home Entertainment / Buena Vista Home Video / Divisa Home Video / Gativideo / Paramount Channel / RTL Entertainment / Touchstone Home Entertainment / Touchstone Home Video
High Fidelity movie
High Fidelity release date
- March 17, 2000 : USA (South by Southwest Film Festival)
- March 28, 2000 : USA (premiere)
- March 31, 2000 : USA
- May 19, 2000 : Spain
- June 1, 2000 : Israel
- June 28, 2000 : Germany (Munich Film Festival)
- July 13, 2000 : Switzerland (German speaking region)
- July 13, 2000 : Germany
- July 21, 2000 : UK
- July 21, 2000 : Ireland
- August 17, 2000 : Australia
- September 1, 2000 : Sweden
- September 6, 2000 : France
- March 3, 2001 : Japan (Tokyo)
High Fidelity cast
- John Cusack as Rob Gordon
- Iben Hjejle as Laura
- Todd Louiso as Dick
- Jack Black as Barry Judd
- Lisa Bonet as Marie De Salle
- Catherine Zeta-Jones as Charlie Nicholson
- Joan Cusack as Liz
- Tim Robbins as Ian Raymond
- Chris Rehmann as Vince
- Ben Carr as Justin
- Lili Taylor as Sarah Kendrew
- Joelle Carter as Penny Hardwick
- Natasha Gregson Wagner as Caroline Fortis
- Shannon Stillo as Alison Jr. High
- Drake Bell as Rob Jr. High
Rob Gordon is a music-loving man with a poor understanding of women. After being dumped by his long-term girlfriend, Laura, he tries to understand how he failed in his relationships by seeking out his old partners.
By day, he works at his record store, Championship Vinyl, where customers drift through. He and his employees Dick and Barry, armed with an encyclopedic knowledge of all things musical, compile “Top 5” lists for every conceivable occasion, openly mock the tastes of their customers, and sell a few records.
Two shoplifting, skateboarding teenagers, Vince and Justin, are an annoyance to them until Rob listens to a recording that they made as The Kinky Wizards. He offers them a record deal, the first under his own label, Top 5 Records. During his off-hours, he pines for Laura and tries to win her back.
Laura’s father, who liked Rob, dies. Rob attends his funeral with Laura. Shortly after the reception, Rob realizes he has always had one foot out of the door and never committed to her-and in doing so, neglected his own future. They resume living together. He meets a music columnist and develops a crush, but wonders while making a mixtape for her if he would always be jumping from rock to rock.
Rob tells Laura that other women are just fantasies, Laura is reality, and he never tires of her. He proposes marriage; she thanks him for asking. She arranges for him to revisit his former love of dee-jaying. At the celebration of the newly released single by Vince and Justin, where Barry’s band Sonic Death Monkey plays “Let’s Get It On”, Rob is surprised that Barry’s band is not a disaster.
Rob makes a mixtape for Laura and feels he has finally learned how to make her happy.
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